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Tuesday, August 9, 2016

I stopped by to thank my international student who brought me flowers yesterday and to tell her how I just really felt like it was God's timing that she would stop by early in the morning to give me the note and the flowers right before I had to find out the very sad news about my other student's passing.  She teared up and told me she had been thinking about bringing me flowers for a while, but she had prayed about it and really felt impressed that yesterday was the right time....I was so glad I shared that with her because I think it is good for her to know she was used of God in a wonderful way to be a blessing and encouragement to me at a hard moment in time without her even having to know that exact reason.

Prayer is so essential to see God working in us and through us and to be sensitive to the nudging of the Holy Spirit.  I was amazed that this young lady made something as simple as bringing me a thank you note and some flowers a matter of her prayers, but I am so grateful that something so simple and seemingly unnecessary could become such a beautiful part of God's plan for the way my day would unfold.  Hopefully, my sharing that with her will also strengthen her faith to see where God is using her to make a difference.

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