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Monday, August 8, 2016

All The Details

About 10 minutes after I arrived to work our secretary told me I had a visitor and I went to the lobby to greet her.  It was an international student I had worked with last year to help her with all the Admission details and her VISA information to come to SAU to study in the U.S..  She said she had never officially thanked me for helping her and she thought of me this morning....she brought me a really sweet thank you card and a bouquet of flowers....that was incredible!

After thanking her, finding a mason jar for the flowers, and returning to my office, I noticed an email had arrived from the mother of another student I have been working with lately and she gave me some very sad news that her daughter (the student I was working with) had passed away.  That came as a complete shock because she had gone through some health issues, but was seeming to be recovering well and was looking forward to finishing her degree....that has been very sad news.  This young lady had really inspired me with her faith and her determination to keep going and to look forward to what God has in store for her.

As I have been thinking about her and the flowers and thoughtfulness from the other student just before....I have to be thankful for a GOD who cares for ever detail and the timing of those details in my life....gentle reminders that He love us  and He is with us which He gives us everyday!

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