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Thursday, August 18, 2016

Great Insight From My Devotional Yesterday

We all need God's unfailing love!  I am so thankful that He doesn't offer us some cookie-cutter form of love or grace, but He is seriously in the trenches with us through every struggle we encounter.  Sometimes it hurts that we cannot fully identify with our friends when they suffer and we wish they knew how much we really cared for them even though words come out never doing justice to our compassion and maybe even seeming artificial.  BUT, God is with us.....We say that a lot, but how often do we say it knowing that He is fully with us in our struggles so that He can fully know us?  What is the point of knowing someone?  Being able to make a difference to them?...being able to speak their love language?....being able to please them? encourage them?.....being able to speak to their heart? ....God is steadfast, yet ever changing the ways He reaches out to us so that we can really see Him and understand that we are loved....in this way, He calls out our names.

The letter to the Romans is arguably Paul’s most intensely theological letter. Yet in Romans 16, he issues more personal greetings than in any other letter—twenty-seven! These personal greetings, included at the close of a theological letter about the nature of the gospel, serve as a significant reminder. The message of the death and resurrection of Jesus is not merely a piece of intellectual information. The doctrines that form the foundation for our rescue in Christ are not an academic exercise. These truths describe the love of God for human beings who have names and faces and struggles and victories. The gospel is the story of God’s unfailing love for people—people like those listed here. People like you and me.

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