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Monday, March 31, 2014

The God Who Sings

I prayed over the weekend for some direction regarding a decision I needed to make at work today.  I weighed my pros and cons to both of my options and I was finally able to reach a decision.  I am experiencing a great PEACE now.  Isn't it nice to have peace!...more than nice really...there is a great contentment in knowing I made the right decision....a decision that God would want for me.

In our house there are many reasons to sing and we are all a little crazy with music.  I love singing and I love that my entire family loves singing...most of all just that they are so happy that the music just flows out of them throughout the day.  Brad and I laugh when we hear one of them upstairs belting something out at the top of their lungs.  In as much as I love music and the joy that can be found in it and expressed through it...it is something completely wonderful to know that God sings over us...that God might belt out some crazy song about me because I have done something to please Him!  Think on that one!  It is pretty great!

There is a worship song I have come to enjoy a lot...I heard it sung at a chapel service earlier this year...and I googled it right after I got back from chapel so I could hear it again...it is a little different than most worship songs because it isn't the typical song of praise where we lift it up from us to Him...it is more of a song from the perspective of God singing over us or singing to us.


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