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Thursday, March 20, 2014

Bracket Picks

While everyone else was securing their NCAA bracket picks today, Kenna was having brackets secured to her teeth!  YAY, Kenna....here's to a future with a beautiful smile!  Well, I may be biased...no I'm not...you already have one!

AT THE HOP....then, we all went to the 1st, 3rd, and 5th grade Spring concert tonight.  Kassi and Kenna were in it...and somehow Karly wiggled her way into it as well....I am not sure exactly how that went down, but Mrs. Fitz seems to be a pushover for Karly and allowed her to come up during Rockin' Robin to do a little tweedleee-deee-deeeing (however you spell that!)...she wasn't too excited or anything :)  Fun times...I love poodle skirts!

We were able to fix the basement flooding from yesterday and I have some new pics to show you our progress down there.  Brad even let me put up a sign, so I feel like we are well on our way (ha! why does it always take much longer than expected?) 

 Can I be trusted with power tools?
YAY!  Our first item of decor!

ONE FUNNY STORY:  Brad had a call yesterday at the church that he thought was a prank.  The guy on the phone asked him if he had any specials.  Brad said, "Excuse me...I think you're breaking up a little bit?" ....so, the man repeated, "Do you have any specials?"  Brad really thought it was one of his friends pulling a prank on him, so he said, "What? Do you mean baptisms, salvations?"  Then, Brad realized it was not a prank and that the man had the wrong number...he was trying to call for pizza.  Our youth group has been selling these magnets for Papa Johns in order to raise money for their summer mission trip.

It really is a great deal (IMHO) and the kids get $5 for every one they sell....*shameless plug* the magnets are $10 and you get a full year of buy one large pizza and get one free from the Papa Johns on West Ave in Jackson, MI....ANYWAY, the man had bought the magnet and was calling the church number instead of the Papa Johns number....too funny!  I guess that fundraiser is also serving to direct more people to our church...who knew :)  Maybe this mix-up could bring someone to Christ...?  Anything is possible :)

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