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Saturday, March 15, 2014

What's In a Name?

Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches.  To the one who is victorious, I will give some of the hidden manna.  I will also give that person a white stone with a new name written on it, known only to the one who receives it.  Revelation 2:17

When I first read this verse it was really exciting to me...still is.  I think it will be incredible to be given a name by God!  Brad and I really enjoyed naming our children...we always wanted their names to be meaningful and something we could see them growing into....I always loved knowing the meaning of my name was Joyful Spirit and Strength/Strong (although sometimes I think I took my middle name and made it mean strong-willed). 

McKenna Christine means beautiful and blessed follower of Christ, Kassandra Brianne means prophetess and strength (we have already seen this meaning come to life from the time she had her eye surgery and had dreams of Heaven), and Karlayna Suzanne means a free person on the narrow road and Easter Lily.  When we were planning to adopt and we were in the visitation time with Savannah and Danielle we asked them if we could give them a middle name that would be meaningful and something we could pray for them.  They were both agreeable with it at the time (probably because we were at Disney World when we first started talking about it)...I guess it wasn't really fair to propose it at that time :)  HINDSIGHT!  Anyway, I wanted to give Savannah the middle name Nicole because it means Victorious or Overcomer and I wanted to give Danielle the middle name Sophia because it means Wisdom....both things I pray for them as they grow up.  Danielle was excited about her name and decided she wanted it, but Savannah ended up having some reservations about changing her name and so we did not end up giving her a new middle name.

 At the time, I was disappointed because I really wanted her to be an "overcomer"...and somehow I thought the name would do that.  Fast-forward to today and we are so excited to be celebrating ONE YEAR since our adoption was finalized on March 15, 2013.  This has been an incredible year and I have seen God's hand working out all the challenges we have faced as a family and some individual struggles along the way with all the transitions.  I have been amazed by how God has helped everyone through it!  I have learned (and am learning) so much and one of the biggest things is that I cannot play the role of God.  I cannot control situations to turn out the way I want them to and I cannot even define them, sometimes...even if my intentions are good.  I saw a statement that "hits the nail on the head" with my lesson in this, "Only God can turn a mess into a message, a test into a testimony, a trial into a triumph, and a victim into a victory!" I wrote that down and put it by my desk at work because it is a good reminder for me....and it is humbling.  I definitely have seen Savannah transitioning into one who is victorious and who has an understanding of what she has been through and an excitement about where God may be leading her...but not because of a name I gave her.

Her new name is being made in Christ....and that is thrilling to me!

If you want to WORSHIP the Name Above All Names....


  1. Hi Heather! I thought I would share with you about Jeremiah's name. Early in my pregnancy I thought I was having a boy so I started praying that God would gift him with the ability to communicate and ordain him to share the gospel with those who were like I once was - professing by mouth but denying Christ by my life; I know if I would have died I would have heard the words "depart from me, you worker of iniquity!" It's a scary thing and my heart goes out to whoever may be out there professing a name that is not rightfully theirs. We don't know what is in each persons heart, my desire is to challenge people to be in the Word and growing in their relationship with Christ. Anyway, I digress! I kind of liked the name Jeremiah but more because of the first chapter, not because of the sound of it. We still hadn't finalized the name several hours after he was born. So I was resting that night and pondering names. I felt God speak in His still small voice "why did you consider the name Jeremiah?" My thought was because of Jeremiah 1:4-8 Then the word of the Lord came unto me, saying, Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations. Then said I, Ah, Lord God! behold, I cannot speak:for I am a child.
    But the Lord said unto me, Say not, I am a child:for thou shalt go to all that I shall send thee, and whatsoever I command thee thou shalt speak. Be not afraid of their faces:for I am with thee to deliver thee, saith the Lord.

    After that I felt so peaceful - so Jeremiah it is! His middle name, James, is after his Grandpa Plattner.

    I can see God's work in Jeremiah already. He has been the friendliest little boy since the beginning. He simply LOVES people!!! Who will have the best opportunity to share the gospel and encourage believers to really dig in and know God but someone who is friendly and shows interest in others!!!

  2. Thank you for this story! It is so wonderful to hear these testimonies of our God speaking...I know children are a gift, but they are truly God's and we are only blessed with the opportunity to teach and guide them in His ways for a short time. I pray we make the most of our time to genuinely show them Christ in our lives....as we evidence an active faith as well. Love you! It is incredible the things God can tell us from His Word :) ~Heather
