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Tuesday, March 25, 2014

AWANA Hide God's Word In My Heart

Kenna, Kassi, Danielle, and Karly all participated in the AWANA games this past weekend.  It was a very dramatic day....a couple of my children get very emotional (I am not sure why...:ha!)  over competitive events.  Most of the drama was just getting there and getting psyched up for the games...the apprehension of being in front of everyone and feeling scared....after they started it was "all good".  Danielle and Karly are amazing at the bean bag race, Kassi has some super speed for the races...we like to call her "pink lightning"...and Kenna is great with the balloon relay.  I really enjoy the games, but I am thrilled they are involved in a program where they are able to hide God's Word in their hearts.  If kids start AWANAs in Cubbies and go through TNT, they learn and study more than 300 Bible verses.  It is a challenge to raise God-fearing children today, but every generation has had challenges.  We cannot use our culture as a cop-out.  I heard a guy say once..."we raised our kids in church, but not in Christ"...I thought that was poignant statement.   Whatever we expect and hope for our children, we have to be modelling ourselves.  They have to see our faith in action.

Karly and Danielle (behind) getting ready for the Sparky games

Kassi and Kenna getting ready for the TNT games

While I was watching the games I was holding a 4-year old boy on my lap...well sort-of...he had so much energy and that event was so exciting to him, he was bouncing all over the place and wanting to pretend he was doing everything the older kids were doing, so I was just trying to give him some structure and boundaries for his enthusiasm :).    He really wanted to try out one of the air-horns.   He has a special connection with Kassi and before each time she would run he would yell out "Get ready for some action, Kassi!"  She tried to remain focused, but she would get this grin on her face each time he cheered for her, so I know it was working to encourage her.  He can't wait to be one of them next year and I can't help but think our faith should encourage a similar reaction from our children...that seeing God working through us and the amazing things we can accomplish in Christ...would spur them on in their faith as well.  

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