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Thursday, March 13, 2014

Dear Potter,

I'm the clay you're working on...the one from the miry pit.  
Then your hands reached down and pulled me out and split my form into many pieces; locating impurities.  
I thought I was a goner, my hopes for future obscure...
but, your persistence met my resistance and now this clay is pure.  
I watch you as you form me...when I'm not caught up in the spin 
and I see in your eyes the masterpiece that you bring out from within. 
YOU have control and I'm molded in your hands.  
You have made more of this lump of clay than I've dreamed in my grandest plans.  
I know, before I am complete, there will be a time of fire, 
but you have NEVER let me down...so I pray now...make me all that YOU desire.

What is the fire?  Why is it necessary?  I watched a potter one time and I was so amazed with how he crafted a vase on the spinner (I am sure there is a professional name for that, but I don't know it).  He talked all about the amount of water that you need...the pressure you should apply to the clay to bring it up higher.  I was enthralled....at the end of his work he held up the vase to show us and then he just crumpled it in his hands....I was one of the people who gasped loudly....sometimes I get so into things and I don't even realize I will be impacted so strongly.  He had just spent all this time working on this vase, but it was now worthless because it was so easy to smash....BECAUSE IT NEVER WENT THROUGH THE FIRE.  Sometimes GOD has to test us...has to allow us a little fire....to make us stronger.  I am sure I am probably saying something that is not theologically correct here, but this is how I understand it.  I don't think He will ever give us a test that is too much for us, but I am pretty sure He gives us small doses of things he knows will be hard enough for us or test us in an area of our lives where we are really weak.  I don't know if this makes sense, but it is almost like being given a small dose of a virus in order to become immune to it...not that I think God tempts us with things because He always wants us to run to Him and be delivered...but, He allows those things to confront us so we will have the opportunity to make the right (or righteous) decisions.

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