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Sunday, March 23, 2014

Better Than a Concert

We celebrated Grandma Phillips' 90th Birthday today and after we sang Happy Birthday to her...she said she wanted to sing us a song as well.  She said everyone always asks old people about their secrets and she wanted to let us know about hers :).  I think the title of the song was "Time and Time Again"  and it was such a beautiful song about going to Christ over and over...for strength...for love...for encouragement that what we think we cannot do...God tells us we can.  I was trying not to allow myself to weep...but, I had to fight really hard to accomplish that. (Grandma, thank you for that song!...It really meant a lot to have you sing that to us...what a tremendous surprise and blessed testimony!)

Then...we are going to be having a Youth Got Talent event at our church next weekend, so we had a practice tonight for youth group and I was blown away by the talented youth at our church!  I love seeing some that have never sung or performed before approaching the microphone for the first time with a song, dance, jokes, a poem to read...or something else that is significant to them regarding their faith...despite the fear and trepidation, there is something absolutely priceless in that moment.  I love watching them realize God has gifted them with something wonderful to contribute!

It was way better than a concert for me!  

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