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Saturday, March 29, 2014

Spoiler Alert

GOD'S NOT DEAD! :) Just saw the movie today and loved it!  Our showtime was sold out and I heard from a friend that another one was too....hope lots more theaters are experiencing the same circumstances.

It is my hope that this movie or movement will encourage Christians to be bold in their faith...to be able to give an answer when someone asks "why?"...and to think for ourselves and not just accept everything we are fed as "truth"...to seek out the TRUTH.  I have always been thrilled that Jesus spoke in parables because I think He wants His followers to pursue the answers as they dig into His Word to find Truth.  There is a line from another movie "One Night with the King" (the story of Esther) that I love and stuck with me...She says to the King, "My father told me it takes the glory of God to conceal a matter.  And it takes the honor of Kings to search it out."  I don't know why my mind connected the two things, but I believe that is the challenge God has laid before us...to seek HIM while we can and to testify to the Truth we have found in Him.

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