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Friday, March 7, 2014

The Doors of Wisdom Are Never Shut ~Benjamin Franklin

Ever had a door shut on you?  I am sure you have, even if it hasn't pinched your fingers.

I had a situation this past week where a door closed on an opportunity I was hoping for.  Reliving the moment where I realized it was closed was interesting for me,...I had inquired about it and had received a phone call back.  Once I realized what the woman was telling me on the other end of the call, the rest of the conversation sounded like Charlie Brown's teacher to me as she was encouraging me to keep trying...ha! I think I managed to say, "thank you for this information", but there was that "uhg...I just got punched in the gut" feeling...it is not the same as the, "I really need to cut an onion while watching The Notebook" feeling, so I think I will survive. :)

Closed doors can hurt...this one didn't hurt me too badly...I could have gone either way with the outcome, but I think what it messed with the most was some of my pride as I thought I would, at least, be given a shot at it.  In my mind, my skill set or talents lined up nicely with the opportunity, but there was something out of my control that removed me from consideration.

My wonderful husband reminded me to praise God for the closed door!  He's right...we don't always feel like praising God at those times, but we should!

Rejoice always; pray without ceasing; in everything give thanks; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. ~1 Thessalonians 5:18

We don't always know if God's will will include this door, or that window, or picking up a shovel and digging a tunnel somewhere, but we do know it is God's will that we rejoice, pray, and give thanks!  I am thankful because I trust God loves me, knows what is best for me, and is working to accomplish His will through me. 

We can trust our GOD...HE knows what HE'S doing!

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