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Sunday, March 16, 2014

Our Weekend Whereabouts

We had a great weekend!  Saturday was Band Festival for Savannah and we all went to support Western Middle School...Savannah got to sit 1st Flute for the 8th grade band, so she had the responsibility of stepping to the director's platform to seat everyone.  She was pretty excited for that!  I always get so nervous for them when they have the sight-reading part of Festival....so crazy that they are able to play a piece that quickly without being able to play a note to practice.  Their director is amazing to me!

So, that was fun...then we surprised the girls and took them to Chuck E Cheese for a little celebration of our year anniversary for the adoption.  Brad and I played Guitar Hero almost the whole time...(I beat him only twice...I need more practice)....just taking a couple ski ball breaks when our hands were about to fall off...and one shot at eradicating aliens from the earth...oh, and I had to try fastest finger...I have won it in the past a few times...just be careful if you ever try it because you can separate your finger nail from the nail bed if you are too intense and press too hard to get through the maze...ouch! The girls had a good time too...ha!  They like all the games where they end up with weird pictures of themselves :)

Today, we had a wonderful day at church...a long day, but so good.  We had service this morning and then a membership class this afternoon where we welcomed about 20 more members into our church family.  Then, tonight for youth group we had one of our young adults from New Tribes Bible Institute share about her calling to the mission field and her new assignment to Tanzania.  I am going to be sad to see her leaving Village Hope Church because she is such a rare....sweet lady, but it is also very exciting to know how God is using her....and to know He is fulfilling her dreams...I can tell her heart is full of joy because she is beaming about this opportunity.  When I see people that happy...I think of  "I'm walking on sunshine...whoa!"...I think that is my go-to happy song or something.   I hope her story was very inspiring to our youth...I know it was for me.

After that talk, we were in the van on the way home and the girls were talking about where they would want to go if they went abroad.  Kenna said she wanted to go to Africa and Savannah said the Philippines...then, Danielle chimed in and said she wanted to go to the Build-A-Bear Workshop.....I LOVE KIDS!!!!!  We decided on the drive thru at McD's to get some chicken sandwiches and wraps since we got out of church late.  Brad was ordering saying, "can I have two chicken sandwiches" and the guy interrupted by saying, "NO" to him...haha!  I have never had a drive-thru attendant tell me NO to my order...I laughed so hard....so, then Brad was repeating the order and I whispered that he should add a knuckle sandwich at the end of the order and see what the guy would say....the guy really had a good laugh with that one....I love everyday adventures...he said he would have our order ready at the window....haha!

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