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Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Like Coffee?..."I DO"

Some days are like this....ahhhh...wedded bliss!  

Other days....it is a....

I really wanna put that second sign by my coffee pot :)  So funny! So, what makes a marriage last?  Coffee?  I wish it were that easy.  (One of my favorite things about making coffee is that our coffee pot looks like Darth Vader to me....haha! SEE.) 

Anyway, there are ups and downs...ebb and flow (I don't think I have ever used the word ebb in a sentence, but it means a low point or a weakness...or, as in the tide...when the tide recedes)...all relationships are that way.  BUT, I didn't just make a promise to Brad when I said "I do"...I made a vow to God, so it is not just some 50/50 deal with Brad where I try to keep track of how much Brad is putting into the relationship....and I wonder...are we about equal?  It is a 100% promise I made to God that I will put Brad before any other man on earth for as long as we both live.  

Ever thought about all the things you said "I DO" to?  Or were you just looking into those dreamy eyes staring back at you....ha!  I know!  One day I was driving home from work and I was thinking about all the possible bad things I agreed to when I said something like...for better or for worse...in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer...and I still said "I DO"...meaning I keep doing...does that make sense?  BUT, even greater still is that we have a God who's name is "I AM"...who is...and is....and is...and is what we need so we will keep doing.  (I know I am weird...but, this all makes sense to me :)

Whenever Brad performs a wedding he adds the part about marriage being not 50/50, but 100/100 into a charge to the couples....I really love attending weddings that he is officiating because he always tries to make them so personal and unique for each couple...BUT, mostly, I love weddings because they remind me that he lives out what he says.  AND, I am so blessed!

COMMITMENT...I really like this song...


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