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Friday, March 28, 2014

VHC Youth Got Talent

SO FUN!  We had a great time tonight and the youth group raised about $700 dollars toward their missions fund from selling tickets and concessions.  Thanks to everyone who came out to support them as their #1 fans or paparazzi :)  It was such a blessing to watch them using their talents to glorify God....and have a great time together! One of my favorite funnier moments was when one of the boys had already changed into his "Jesus" costume for a very serious sketch, but then he realized he was supposed to juggle before that...so, he came out juggling as "Jesus"....I am still cracking up about that....ooopsie!

I meant to get a bunch of pictures of it...I had my camera and got it all ready quickly because we were running late to the show and I ran in to catch the first act before they were done and my camera indicator light notified me that I did not have my memory card...DOH! I left it in my computer at home.  Oh well, it was nice to sit and watch it all!  I had one of those weird moments where you feel like you are outside of yourself and you wonder how you actually got to that place in your life where you have kids...and, not only that...you almost have a high school kid.  How does that happen?  Who are all these kids and why are they calling me mom? :) NO, I LOVE IT!  AND, I am thankful they have some great Christian friends!

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