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Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Driving on a Doughnut

Even though my basement (that is just being finished) started flooding today.....even though a huge ice dam came dislodged from my roof and crashed onto the deck...even though after we picked up someone to take them to church with us there was no dinner left in the cafe...even though after Bible Study I had a flat tire on my van...I WILL BE GRATEFUL FOR THIS DAY!

....Because we were able to catch the flooding in time and put a tarp underneath our deck where it started to seep in and now we have a plan to address the problem....and that the carpet had not been installed yet...and that we have great friends that came to the rescue.

...Because no one was standing under the ice dam when it came crashing down...(I had been hitting it with a rake a couple days ago...now I realize that probably wasn't the most brilliant idea :)  That it only cracked one board on our deck.  AND, that we have great friends that were already here working on our basement :) that also helped clear the huge ice chunks from the deck....I owe those great friends...but, they are so great...they probably will not expect anything in return, right?  HA!

"Friendship is not about who you've known the longest...it is about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you!" And then proved it"....(Love that quote!) LOVE separates real from fake...I learned that in Bible Study tonight.

...Because when a lady that helps serve dinner for all the AWANA's kids and workers realized Brad and I did not get anything for dinner tonight because we were picking someone up....she grilled up two ham and cheese sandwiches for us even though I assured her we would pick up a little something later.

...Because three guys from church realized my tire was flat and put the doughnut tire on it for me...and I could still get home with all the girls in good time...plus, it was just fun to use "driving on a doughnut" as my title for this blog :)

On Wednesday nights I'm usually in a weird mood....but, somehow, I am not stressed about these things.

  God is so GREAT and I am so GRATEFUL!

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