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Tuesday, April 1, 2014


On April 1st I always think of my Grandpa Brinker ....somewhat because he was funny, always had silly jokes or noises, and appreciated a good prank.  But, also because April 1st is the anniversary of his passing.

At first, when he passed on April 1st, I thought this day would not be the same to me...like it somehow ruined the "fun" that I might have being silly because I would think of him and be sad that I no longer can have those fun times with him anymore...HOWEVER, over time, I have grown to appreciate this day for the reason that it reminds me of grandpa's silly personality and really how perfect God is in His timing.  Sometimes when we are experiencing loss or sadness we have a really hard time seeing the joy in each moment and that God is still working to make our lives richer...but it is still there if we turn on the light! (Grandpa was an electrician...his nickname was Sparky to his friends at the factory...had to add the light reference.)

Do you like Calvin and Hobbes?  I like this bit from one of their comics...it talks about how sometimes it is hard to tell if life is more of a tragedy or a farce...I love their humor!

Calvin: They say the world is a stage.  But obviously the play is unrehearsed and everybody is ad-libbing his lines.

Hobbes:  Maybe that's why it's hard to tell if we're living in a tragedy or a farce.

Calvin: We need more special effects and dance numbers.

It's mostly about perspective, right?....Life is good!  Get out and be a little silly...add some of your own special effects and dance numbers to the lives of those around you!  Happy April Fools! 

P.S. Here's a free prank idea....I have never tried it, but I think it would be hilarious!  Unscrew a shower head and put a chicken bouillon cube in it...then put the shower head back on....the next person to shower will get quite a surprise when the water smells like chicken...OK, you do it and tell me if it goes over well and then I will try it...BUT, don't forget you did it and have it backfire on you.  I have this suspicion that would happen to me...ha!

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