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Friday, April 4, 2014

Go No Cape!

Brad and I used to tell the girls "Three Sisters" stories before bed and then, a few years ago, we stopped making them up.  In the stories each of the sisters had an item that gave them special power and when they would get into a situation or see some "wrong" occurring they would have to work together using their super powers to solve the problem.  They loved the stories...so, I am not sure why we stopped...maybe it was just hard to come up with that much new content.  Anyway, a few days ago, Kassi asked us for a "Five Sisters" story :)  (that made me smile!) So, we have been brainstorming what powers the two other sisters will have...that has made for some fun conversations.  We are thinking one will have a magic paintbrush and will be able to create a scene or alternate reality into which all the sisters can pass....and, the other sister may have some amazing shoes that give her super speed.  We already have a headband that gives super creative abilities/problem solving skills to one sister, a sticker book with one magical sticker that when put on the sister makes her invisible, and a pet rock that when held by a certain sister allows her to fly.  FUN TIMES!  Wish us luck as we try to fit all these powers into our 1st "Five Sisters" story.

One of the things I like about superheros is that, normally, no one knows the individual is super.  There is one I can think of off the top of my head that is very cocky and likes everyone to know who he is...but, most don't need the credit or accolades that come from being super...in fact, I think they realize they can maintain their abilities to help more people when their identity is not made known.  This goes along with the concept in Christianity of giving in secret...not letting the left hand know what the right hand is doing.

I love this about serving God...I love taking care of a need for a person and them not knowing it was me.  We all have the ability to be super....God has given us amazing powers really....prayer power, power through love, compassion, service, power through our faith that He says if is even as much as a mustard seed can move a mountain.

Who is that masked mountain mover? :)

Anyway, to me it is like we were all sent here to be super...to use our power from God to make a difference in our world.  God just said, "Go No Cape!"

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