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Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Who Moved My Cheese?

Do you ever say things to yourself?  Well, I try not to say things audibly very often because I know how it can look to others...but, I do have conversations going on inside my head and sometimes they slip out....don't worry, it's not with different people or personalities....it's just me in here :)  So, I was at the grocery store recently and I was looking for the Colby Jack sandwich cheese and it wasn't in the normal place in the cheese aisle because they had moved it to an end cap....so I started having this conversation inside my head about my cheese being gone and then I started to talk out loud as I walked around looking for it and I caught myself saying..."Someone moved my cheese!"  Then, I had that thought..."did I just say that out loud?"...."yes, yes I did."  I wasn't even thinking of the book at that moment...What a perfect title, right?!

I laughed about that, but it got me thinking about how frustrated I get sometimes when I am challenged by change.  My close friend who has been my coworker at work for the last 7 years recently changed positions at the university where I work....and I have not had the greatest attitude about the changes that have resulted.  For one, I really miss her....we had desks that faced each other for all those years and would chat all through the day as we entered data...we really "did life" together.  So, there's the emotional part of change....and then, the loss of her as a coworker has overwhelmed me as I have a part-time schedule and am now trying to complete all the work we used to do together and begin to train her replacement.  It gives me a lot of anxiety and I have this constant "rushed" feeling...because every moment I am prioritizing my 4 hour schedule....how much time can I use to train today and how much do I need to devote to getting the work accomplished so I don't start the day tomorrow "behind the eight ball"....yikes....the reality of making the change and some things seem impossible to accomplish in 4 hours.

Anyway, I've been trudging through...getting the work done, but my heart has not accepted the change.  I realized that yesterday when a different friend from work sent out an email asking if some of us wanted to get together and pray for some things about our jobs and responsibilities...at the moment I got the email I really didn't want to pray...in fact, I even thought..."I don't have time"...."do these people even know the amount of info I enter in a day?"...it was a stinky cheese attitude :) and later, I had to question myself over why I did not want to commit these frustrations about the changes in my life, and specifically in my work,...to prayer.  I don't think the situation will change for me...it will still be really hard until I am able to give some of the workload over to someone else, but my attitude toward it can change and should change.

There is a statement Christians like to make about God not giving you more than you can handle...but, many times that is taken out of context.  The verse they use for that statement is actually talking about temptation...and that no temptation can overtake you...that God provides you a way out...but, that doesn't mean that some things in life will not seem unbearable.  In fact, on my own, many things can overwhelm me.  I like how this blogger phrases it:

Isn't that a great perspective!?  I am praying that I approach my fears and anxieties of the "impossibles" with my knowledge of a, not only "POSSIBLE" God...but, "ALL POWERFUL" God.  If you are facing a "giant" of your own....I pray this gives you some encouragement :) Now, off to do some laundry....(talk about an impossible task, right Brad?....haha!...I like that blogger's domain name.)

He's a God of the Impossible....https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_kBSB_5ogPc
Enjoy this song!  Absolutely love the very beginning of this song...it reminds me of a music box or the song playing on a carousel...or the jewelry box ballerina song...anyway something familiar and wonderful.  If only we could see our "impossibles" as we did when we were kids :)

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