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Thursday, April 3, 2014

God's Not Dead...in fact HE IS ALIVE AND KICKIN'

I wanna add SATAN's TAIL at the end of that title...because it's TRUE.  As a pastor's wife I have a front row seat sometimes to the struggles people are going through.  That can be very difficult for me because I take a lot of things very hard or deeply, but I have learned over the years that being a feeling person can be good if I go to the right place with my burdens....if I lay them down before Christ.  Experiencing some pain for others is really nothing compared to seeing God's mighty hand work in their lives and deliver them from the struggle or circumstance or just give them an amazing perspective in the midst of their storm.

We saw "God's Not Dead" last weekend, but Savannah was able to see it the weekend before us in Lansing with some of her friends.  She came home super excited about it and told us we need to see it. Then, this week, she asked me if she could join a new Bible Study at church focused on learning how to share her faith. AMAZING!  I'm so excited to see God working in her!

Brad got a text earlier this week that said "God's Not Dead"....at first he didn't think much of it because that is what they encourage you to do at the end of the movie...text your friends that statement.  So, he thought, "Cool, someone just saw that movie!" But, he realized through a second text that it was from a young lady who has been walking away from the Lord...who had left her family and who we had been praying for for a while to "come home".  She did. We are praising God for that! See, He's kickin' Satan's Tail!

Then, Brad got a call from someone who just found out they lost their job and they just needed some encouragement.  Later, one of this person's family members called Brad to talk and they were able to express to Brad all the positive things this will mean for their family and how they trust God has something great in store.

This morning Brad read me an email from a youth that has been going through a really hard time in life.  Her circumstances have just never seemed to give her a break and we have been praying her through some dark days.  She emailed Brad to tell him she thinks she is realizing what it takes to make it through this crazy life....she said, "I think I have to stop trying and just trust"..."not that I don't have to work hard, but I just have to trust that God will work it out"..."I was stressing about a bunch of things over the past weeks and now I see that they all worked out."

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