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Monday, April 7, 2014


Are you a person who enjoys sleep?  I really enjoy sleep....I especially love my Sunday afternoon nap (when I get one) and I am quite happy when it is about 2 hours long! I have loved that nap ever since I was in high school....it is kind-of funny that when you are really young you fight so hard against napping and then when you are older you wish you could have it back.  While I was on the road trip with all the ladies we got talking about times in our lives when we needed anesthesia....(I know, weird conversation...and I will spare you some of the other topics...haha!)  I have never needed anesthesia for any reason, so their conversation was a bit foreign to me...but, they were talking about how great the sleep was and that they didn't even want to wake up from it.

On Sunday, Pastor Toyer was teaching on what a good church should look like and one of his points was that we should be eagerly awaiting Jesus' return and our Heavenly home.  Part of it was on the subject of death and dying and that we do not have to fear death any longer because Jesus took death and changed it into sleep for a believer.  It is interesting to consider this in terms of our earthly rest.  A night's sleep is a short rest from the labors of one day, but death is a sleep that marks the end of our earthly toils and cares.  It will be a blessed rest...if the word rest comes from the word restore or restoration...this will be the best rest we will ever have.

Won't it be amazing to wake up in Heaven...and to be fully restored?!  I am thankful for this part of God's plan....to steal death's power and turn it into a sweet slumber...WOW!

There is a rumor stirring; a gentle rumbling
I hear it in the morning light;on beating wings
of butterflies, and from the babes this song is heard.  The soul's been saved 
give it these words...
An eerie shadow cast; confusion at his task--
as darkness gropes about for sight the deadbolt keys to
fasten tight eternal grave are seized
away and all that's left resounds today,
Then flutter wings of cherubim at this new 
light made known to them; and when the 
angels play those keys they sing of
mortal mysteries
Their voices are the lullabies for sleepy saints waiting to rise.
The four winds carry out their story; 
with each breath give Christ due glory---for 

Are you getting excited to celebrate Christ's Resurrection?  I am.....here is a fabulous worship song to celebrate!  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IExdrZGQVeI

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