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Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Joy Unspeakable

You know sometimes when you are praying for something and you know it could be one of those things that you are going to be praying for for a long time...like somehow when you start praying you already have this idea that you need to pace yourself with this request because it will probably take some time for God to get it done :) (Boy, I could read that sounding a lot like Eeyore, couldn't I?)....I guess I forget that God is limitless and nothing that I see as BIG is really all that BIG to Him.

One of my favorite Eeyore quotes and fitting following an extra long winter :)

So I have been praying for our pastor's house in Toledo to sell (along with a lot of other people)...I know it would be great for Brad and the church as a whole to have him here full-time and I know how much of a strain it is on his family to have him gone three days a week and then all make the commute to Jackson on Sunday morning.  I have been praying for his wife through the transition time too because I can just imagine it is very stressful with 6 children....plus, she has been working really hard to get the house ready to list with a realtor.  Every time I have seen her lately she has had paint or spackling compound in her hair. It is the beauty mark of a good wife!  Anyway, when our ladies group went down to Toledo to take her to lunch...she told me they were able to list their home for sale on Friday....then Sunday she said a realtor may be bringing people through while they were at church.  So, we prayed for a bidding war...haha!  Kind-of kidding :)  Anyway, I just found out they received a full asking price offer today...isn't that hilarious!  I like the laugh out loud kind of joy!

I am praising God for this answer to prayer!  Nothing is too BIG for HIM and no certain amount of time is necessary, I guess :)

I have another prayer request...I can't really say what it is, but it is quite a burden today.  I believe somehow God will bring joy into and from the situation, but at this point I don't see it....and there is nothing I can physically do at this moment to make it any different.  BUT, prayer is power, right!  God cares about our "unspokens"...it's not like He is guessing what it could be :)  And, I know that as much as I care about the outcome of the situation that is on my heart today....he cares exponentially more....and that, in itself, is joy unspeakable.

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