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Tuesday, April 15, 2014

The Heavens Declare

God is perfection and there is purpose and meaning in everything He made.  His timing is also perfect. He commanded His people to observe certain feasts to remember that He brought them out of Egypt and to set "appointed" times to worship Him in very specific ways.  He showed them when these would happen based on the position of stars or the moon...and He told them, several times in scripture, to "keep these feasts throughout your generations, as a statute forever".  Jews celebrate the feasts as times to remember what God has done historically ...but, believers in Christ who understand the meanings of each feast also know that Jesus fulfilled the purposes of the feasts on their exact dates when he was bound, crucified, buried, and resurrected.

On Passover, Jesus was bound and crucified...typically Jews would bind and sacrifice a spotless lamb on this day...the blood of the lamb atoned for their sins so that they did not have to endure the judgement of God.  In the same way, Jesus' blood is the only thing that can cover us and atone for our sins.

On the Feast of Unleavened Bread, Jesus was buried in the tomb...Jews use the feast days to remember when they had to leave Egypt in such a hurry they were not even able to bake bread with yeast...but, God related the yeast to sin and so, they use that time of the feast to purify their homes from the yeast (sin) in them.  This is significant to believers because Jesus was the only man without sin.  He was the "unleavened bread".

On the Feast of First Fruits, Jesus rose from the dead...Jews would give God the first fruits of their harvest as a faith offering trusting that God would bring them an even greater harvest.  It is so significant that Jesus arose on this feast day because He became the first fruit...the first born from the dead and His death and resurrection gives hope to each believer that the "harvest" will be much greater.

AMAZING, RIGHT?! To me, the meaning of all of these things is HUGE and God's timing is so precise to have all these events happen exactly on certain dates that He already set many many many years before Jesus was even born.  So, the feasts He set in motion serve a historical purpose for remembrance and worship, but were also prophetic to the exact dates and purposes.  There is so much more to this that God has planned out....the Heavens were created to give us signs and signals from God.

So, I won't get too "conspiracy theorist" on you, but I think there is a lot going on right now in the heavens and on the earth.  God is doing a whole lot of declaring on exact dates He has set.  You should study the 4 "Blood Moons"...you will see what I mean.  Pastor Mark Biltz has done research into these Heavenly events, when they occur and what is also happening in our world at those times and he compares what scripture says about the events with what patterns he has recognized.  It is pretty interesting.  He is quick to point out, however, that his ministry is "non-prophet" :)...he is not making predictions, only looking at what the scripture says, what is going on in the Heavens, and what is happening globally. I love prophecy...it is so mysterious and exciting...but sometimes it scares people.  I will never say I think certain things will happen at exact times, but I do think it is amazing that Christ's death, burial, and resurrection were perfectly in line with God's feast dates....so, if God is the same yesterday, today...and forever....maybe events surrounding Christ return will coincide with the other Feast dates?  It makes sense to me.  BUT, the important thing is to be ready...fear God, be busy with God's work...be loving people and showing them God's Salvation as you are living it out.  

God LOVES you and HE is PERFECT!  And PERFECT LOVE casts out fear!  If you are in Christ, then His blood has atoned for your sin....you do not have to fear for the future or judgement.  What Christ accomplished on the CROSS...the debt He paid for you...gives you complete freedom from the wages of your sin.  Use your freedom to declare His Glory.

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