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Monday, April 14, 2014

A Man of Dairy

You know when it hasn't snowed yet in the fall, but there are flurries in the forecast and you are so excited to see snow for the first time....yes, I am like that...you think about the uniqueness of each individual snowflake...haha!  Well, I hope I am still like that next year, but this winter may have ruined that for me.  Anyway, I just realized there is something else that is like that for me...I scream, you scream, we all scream....YEP, the first Ice Cream Cone in the Spring :)

Isn't it funny when places put signs like this up for what they sell?....I always smile when I think about doing that at my job....there is no problem that a little data entry can't solve...whatever! :)

Hooray for Parma Ice Cream!  And wearing capris for the first time...I cannot believe the mosquitos were already out, though.  7 bites on my ankles...and I thought I could at least thank this winter for taking care of some of those bug issues....OH WELL. (BTW, we are not trying to reenact the "Last Supper" painting....that is funny to me now....you'll see why :)

So what's with the title, you ask?...well, it kind-of goes along with Ice Cream.  Brad had a rare opportunity to perform in a Last Supper portrayal on Sunday night and he did a fabulous job being "Doubting" Thomas.  It is so great to see him acting because I know how much he loves it and he is very good at it as well...but, he had a line that was something like..."Everyone always remembers me for my doubts, but no one remembers me as a man of daring."  Anyway, that is the gist....and the word daring was definitely in there because that was what Karly heard as dairy.  She just laughed so hard....I thought, "what is so funny to her...?  This is a very inappropriate time to be laughing so loudly."  But, then she looked at me and told me she thought daddy just said he was a man of dairy...then she kept calling him Dairy King....and in her 6 year old mind, that was hilarious....it was pretty funny to me too to see her cracking herself up over that :)  Do you ever wonder what your 6 year old self found hilarious?  I bet if you were able to watch old videos of yourself you would be quite amused.

I have never seen this done, but they set up like Da Vinci's Last Supper painting.  And then, they all had monologues that told about themselves...how they met Christ or were called to follow Him and some of the things they had been through with Him... along with who they believe He is and why.  Evidently, 
right before this moment was captured in paint....the disciples just learned someone at that table was going to betray Christ...so at the end of each monologue they are all questioning whether they could be the one who would betray Christ...."could it be I"?  It was very interesting and neat to hear from the disciple's perspectives about their relationship to Christ and the others in the group.  Hopefully, it will be something the guys can participate in again.  This year it was a collaboration of guys from about 4 or 5 churches and Brad and his friend Jeff just got asked to join in because they needed 2 more guys.  It was performed at the church building in Parma that has been gifted to our church, Village Hope.  We are still praying for a clear vision for this building and which ministries we will be able to offer to serve the community and reach the lost with the Good News :)


  1. Hilare mom we had so much fun reading it Good Newwwwwwws

  2. Kenna, you are capital W Wierd...I like how you responded in teenage language at the beginning and then as super villain, take over the world, language at the end. You are Cra-Cra...did I tell you that todayyyyyyyyyy?
