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Thursday, June 30, 2016

We had our last small group study on Wednesday for the series we have been going through, Desiring God.  I have to say it has probably been one of my favorite studies ever.  The content was incredibly deep and meaningful to me, but the others in our group made is such a blessed time as well by being so engaged and speaking from their hearts.  To me, it embodied what God means for us to live in fellowship with one another....the giving and taking of advice and encouragement.

I have always had a hard time being a person who opens up about struggles....maybe it is because I don't trust people enough, maybe it is that little voice in my head that says that pastor's wives aren't supposed to have weaknesses, maybe it is that I worry that what I think and say won't connect with others because sometimes I feel so out in left field with the way I perceive things....or all of that....but, I think I am noticing that the devil enjoys messing with me in these areas because then I isolate myself from others.

We are not called to be isolated.  We are also not called to be self-conscious, but to put others before ourselves as we seek to glorify God. I had a moment this week when I told a friend that I was a little down and explained the situation to her and just her saying she would pray for me and offering me some humor to help me see the situation from a different angle was so encouraging.  I think the reason God uses us to accomplish His will is so that we all can experience His glory in those moments.....He could do everything Himself, but He allows us the opportunity to be His hands, His feet and sometimes, His smile on others.

Hands Of God

"It Is Your Birthday" - Dwight Schrute

Some days I find many things at my office very comparable to this show :)

They were super nice to me.....however, I have a birthday buddy in the office and they took all the leftover streamers, unrolled them, and dumped them on the top of his desk...not in a pretty way....in a "your office may have exploded!" way.


So, this guy from another office came over to our office today and he asked me if I decorated my own office for my birthday :P (Yes, and my roses should be delivered anytime now)......after I answered him, he said "that's really funny that they put a 40 on the happy birthday sign"  (Did I ever tell you almost everyone I work with is 20-something...haha!)  40, that's a knee slapper!

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

How Deep The Father's Love For Us

Monday, June 27, 2016

Our church is trying something a little different this year and taking "VBS" outside to an apartment complex near our Jackson church, so we are not doing a traditional VBS program, but more of a kids camp.  We are planning to have an Olympic theme and Brad and I are working on writing some "fitbits" (skits) for the wrap up time of the evenings and drawing the lesson into a summary/application.  Since we are outside, I wanted to think of a way to make it interactive so that it won't just be Brad and I and a couple other actors, but will include some kids each night.....so, Brad and I are going to be the Olympics host and commentator and we will be giving a play-by-play or reviews of what is happening and the kids will be the athletes acting out what we are describing on "television".  I started researching some of the most inspiring stories from Olympics past this evening as I wanted these skits to be based on some real stories, so the kids can take a real life application from an actual story and I was really feeling inspired by some of these stories of perseverance, focus, faith and practice.....thought I would share this link with you.  Some of these I remember from my lifetime. 


Playing In The Rain With Some Of The VHC Youth Group

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Tonight I got to celebrate my 40th birthday with some friends....it was so much fun!

This is my "mon-gal" hat...or, bow.  This was placed on my head at the Mongolian BBQ....Brad leaned over and said, "You really don't have to wear that the whole time."  :P


Then we went to play WhirlyBall....I think we introduced Pastor Jeremy and Abigail to it for first time.....the thing about WhirlyBall is that I am not sure if it is more fun to be playing it or watching your friends play and run into the walls.

Our group enjoying Gelatos afterwards!  We missed you, Jennifer!  Chrissy said she will photoshop you into this picture :)

Danielle told me a new joke yesterday.....she is our artist and loves this one.

It's a Saturday for sure because we were all thinking of other words with "art" in them and trying to see what they would be without it.....I realized, without art, Heather would be hehe!

Friday, June 24, 2016

Speck-tacular Lessons

Our internet has not been working well ever since we returned from our trip to Montana.  We are working on getting that remedied, but it has deterred my blogging.  That's okay, though, everything happens for a reason.  A big lesson for me happened over our trip in a combination of a physical issue and a book I was reading during airplane travels (since I couldn't sit with my husband and talk with him about the treasure the whole time.....and I left the Forrest Fenn's book at my parents house.....doh!...but, I pretty much had that memorized :P)  Anyway, I think God meant for me to read the book and maybe even have some time since I have been home to digest it.

While we were on the trip searching for the treasure I got a speck of dust or something in my eye and it was incredibly irritating for several days....it is better now, but still doesn't feel completely cleared out.  Anyway, it made me tear up a lot and I splashed water on my face as often as I could to try to help flush it out.  I even thought at one point, "What if I miss seeing the treasure because of this speck in my eye!?"  AND, that WAS the question for me to consider.  I was going to be reading Forrest Fenn's book and studying through all the clues during our travels, but I forgot the book because I had taken it out of my bag to look through it the night before we left.  So I grabbed a different book that Brad had packed in his bag since he was reading something different.  The book is called Respectable Sins and is all about different sins that we (our culture) have grown to tolerate and even sometimes glory in.....definitely not consider these as sins....more like reactions to our circumstances....even though they really are ungodly if we hold them up against God's Word.  They are things like impatience, anxiety, selfishness, pride, anger, envy, jealousy, ungratefulness....and each chapter really convicted me.  It was one of those times where I could only read a little and then I had to close the book and just pray for a while because I really saw some of myself in the pages and was realizing the speck in my eye needed clearing out, you know?!....

Grace is AWESOME and we should always think incredibly HIGHLY of it, however.....

Sin clouds our vision until we have a difficult time seeing God and being certain of the narrow path we are to travel.  It prevents us from entering into the fullness of God's glory.  I am not saying that each individual sin prevents us from eternal life, but I am saying that we will fall short of God's glory and at least most definitely miss out on some of the great rewards of knowing Him and seeing Him as He reveals Himself to those who's walk is blameless.  How can we be blameless when we are sinners....that is a great confusion for so many.  I cannot be blameless on my own strength....so that means I must depend on the Holy Spirit to empower even my desire toward faithfulness. My part is in deciding to make an intentional effort to be revitalized and empowered in the Spirit each day through God's word, prayer, and waiting on the Holy Spirit to guide me. 

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Last night we had a storm and the girls wanted to camp out in the basement.  Karly asked me if tornadoes could go into houses....I said, "I'm pretty sure tornadoes can go wherever they want"....but, later I was like "scratch that"...."tornadoes can go wherever God wants, so trust Him and don't worry" :)  So, they brought a bunch of stuffed animals to the basement and Karly brought her Bible.  I asked her about that and she said, "If a tornado comes, I want to have these important things...."my pillow, my blanket, and my Bible".....that was pretty sweet.  If our fears bring us straight to Jesus....we are in the right place.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Montana to Colorado to Indiana to HOME

I'm On The Top Of The World

Monday, June 20, 2016

We searched a couple really good places this morning, but we didn't find the treasure.  I am going to blog about my ideas soon in case anyone else wants to know how I interpreted the clues.  Maybe I was on track with an idea or two, so maybe they would be helpful for others :)

After we searched, we decided to spend a little time in Yellowstone since this is our final day in the area....we went to Canyon Village and saw some of the incredible waterfalls and canyons.....amazing!

What a fabulous 40th birthday present!

Heather And Yon :P

I feel like we have hiked all over the South Fork of the Madison and other portions of the Madison entering Hebgen Lake. We are getting ready for our last search day and we have one more spot to search....I dreamed about it last night.  I saved my Where's Waldo shirt for this day....I figure I will now try to provoke the elusive treasure to find me :P

Sunday, June 19, 2016

"A Father's A Treasure..." - Benjamin Frankin

This is one amazing daddy!  He loved his cards from the girls and his favorite part of our adventure today was watching an eagle soar above us...only about 30 feet away from us.

We took this road up the side of a high hill which made me cringe because we circled the outside edge of the hill and could look straight down into Hebgen Lake...on the way up the hill Brad was on the cliff side, so on the way down I would have been on the cliff side, so I decided to sit behind Brad on the hill side of the road and lean toward the hill....told him I was behind him 100%....haha!  Those kind of one lane roads up steep inclines are so intense :P  

This man can get really close to edges....I don't even feel comfortable using the zoom on my camera to get closer, apparently...ha!

The view was amazing though!  We think Forrest would have chosen a location with a really incredible view of the valley that he loved so much because he actually said he was planning to die by his treasure.  And....part of his riddle says "hear me all and listen good"....besides the lookout tower in the picture below, there was a radio tower at the top of this butte....so we thought it would be worth a trip up.

This may seem random, but it was funny to us because Savannah said if we found the treasure we should buy a car just like this for her and drive it home :P  We laughed when we pulled into the hotel lot and it was parked close to our room.

So thankful to my Heavenly Father for the wonderful, Godly men in my life....my dad, my grandpas, and my husband....and the impact they have had on me and my children.

Saturday, June 18, 2016

This day was just as I would wish.....and I haven't even blown out any candles for my birthday yet :P

The view from our hotel....

Off to look for treasure....who's excited?!...ha! :P

Doesn't the rock look like gold?....the bottom of the riverbed on the South Fork of the Madison

A tree stump graveyard....hmmmm..."brave and in the wood"?


Hiking along the river for a little while...I wrote Forrest Fenn a message today about where I was going to look this time and why and he said to be careful wading in the Madison because the rocks can be slippery.....I STILL LOVE THAT I CAN EMAIL HIM and he sometimes writes me back....I wish, however, that this solving the clues to the treasure business was like a Mastermind game and he would tell me how many clues I have correct or incorrect :P

These are my awesome waterproof boots...I have tested them in water and no water can get in unless it is over the top of them...no reason  :)

We climbed to the top of a lookout point....it took my breath away....



There is a little theatre in West Yellowstone called the Play Mill.  I saw they were performing Singing In The Rain...one of my all time favorites, so we went tonight.....

TOTALLY AWESOME!  I would see it again!  Actually, that made me wish I could open a small theatre.  If you are ever in West Yellowstone, you should go to one of their shows!