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Monday, June 27, 2016

Our church is trying something a little different this year and taking "VBS" outside to an apartment complex near our Jackson church, so we are not doing a traditional VBS program, but more of a kids camp.  We are planning to have an Olympic theme and Brad and I are working on writing some "fitbits" (skits) for the wrap up time of the evenings and drawing the lesson into a summary/application.  Since we are outside, I wanted to think of a way to make it interactive so that it won't just be Brad and I and a couple other actors, but will include some kids each night.....so, Brad and I are going to be the Olympics host and commentator and we will be giving a play-by-play or reviews of what is happening and the kids will be the athletes acting out what we are describing on "television".  I started researching some of the most inspiring stories from Olympics past this evening as I wanted these skits to be based on some real stories, so the kids can take a real life application from an actual story and I was really feeling inspired by some of these stories of perseverance, focus, faith and practice.....thought I would share this link with you.  Some of these I remember from my lifetime. 


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