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Thursday, June 2, 2016

I had a crazy dream last night.  For some reason we were all in this house or resort or something and a bear got into the building.  Brad and I were on an upper level floor and the girls were on a lower level floor, so I ran a back way to wake them up, warn them about the bear and make sure they were safely locked in.  Other people were coming to the lower level as well to congregate and wait until the bear was removed from the premises, but those people were just leaving doors wide open, so I was running around closing and locking doors.  Then, Brad and I were waiting in a room where there was a man who was a car salesman and he started to try to sell us a car.....but he had a monotone voice and he got stuck on a word and kept repeating it every time he would tell us about a great feature on the car.  He would say it had "more"....."mooooore"......"moooooooore"......and even in my dream state I know I was annoyed....ha!...because I remember saying, "more what?"

Anyway, eventually I woke up for a second and realized Brad was snoring :P  The times the monotone car salesman was saying "more" over and over were coinciding with the sound of Brad's snores...haha!  That is so weird that dreams can do that!

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