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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Ducky Duct Tape Business

As I presumed, life would become pretty hectic for us as school began.  We are now starting to develop a routine with the girls and all of our busy schedules.  All the girls' transitions into new schools have gone very well and we are getting rave reports for good behavior from their teachers.

I am loving the Fall and my country drive home...the colors are absolutely fabulous!  I don't know what it is about Fall, but I always have to get those pumpkin pics!

Savannah and McKenna have started a new business...the Ducky Duct Tape Business (they even have a jingle).  They make wallets, purses, cell phone covers, flip flops,  ipad sleeves...and anything else you may need.  They would love to be given a challenge, so if you need something made of duct tape, let us know :-)  I thought this business venture would be short-lived, but the girls have been getting orders and filling them and they have even called a business meeting for our whole family to which they proposed starting to do birthday parties and wanting to talk about Christmas sales...haha!

We have two birthdays coming up in October.  Brad turns the big FOUR-O....crazy!  He sure robbed the cradle!  And, Savannah will be turning 12 two weeks after Brad's birthday, so we are excited to be planning some fun celebrations.

Work has been getting pretty busy for me...I would rather be busy than have slow days, so I don't mind it, but I always have to ask God to help me manage my time wisely and not allow me to become anxious about the amount of work I am trying to accomplish in a short amount of time.  The next three months are usually like that for me and then the workload eases.  

As always, I am thankful for your thoughts and prayers.  I may not be able to update my blog as often as I did throughout the summer months, but I wanted to let you know I did not fall off the face of the earth...I have Hello Kitty, Spiderman, and Camouflage duct tape to keep me grounded :-)  I saw this guys shirt a while back and it said, "Silence is golden...duct tape is silver."  That shirt makes me laugh....we have lots of duct tape at our house, but very little silence.