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Monday, October 31, 2016

"You've Got A Friend In Me"

Probably the cutest trunk I have ever seen....great job, Hershbergers!

Friendship is such a treat!  So fun to watch these girls grow up together.....I can't even believe how fast the years have gone by :)  One thing I love about Halloween is the way you see the friendships represented....it is almost like they are saying "we go together like (these costumes)"
...and I love that!  


Sunday, October 30, 2016

Last Minute Costume Check....

Try 'em on and bag 'em up :)

Karly the Cupcake (that is a change from Karly the Carnivore, but just for one day of the year)
....with a cherry on top :P

Kassi Rey

Vannah Pooh

Kenna-finity and beyond!

Princess Danileia

I always love seeing what they will choose....it is fun how some of their personalities show in their costume choices and the characters that make them happy!

Ready For Halloween Market Day

One of Danielle's friends came over today to create something fun for their school's Market Day...I saw these cute monster donuts on facebook and they were so easy....they make me smile.  Two dozen of your favorite donuts, fake vampire teeth, M&M's, a little extra icing and VOILA....a spooktacular dessert....love the simplicity!

Now we just need some cider :)

Some of the best things in life are free!  Thankful for my church family and that even the "deluxe hugs" are free!

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Morning Song

Friday, October 28, 2016

Vannah's Sweet Sixteen Cake War Birthday

....or cake fail war birthday....

We had fun celebrating Vannah's birthday tonight with a bunch of her friends....there was 9-square, TRUTH or DARE and a cake war with a twist.....

The goal of cake #1....

The reality....

The goal for cake #2....

 The reality....

The goal for cake #3...

The reality....

The goal for cake #4...

The reality.....

 The teams...

This team had to make the pizza cake with a not my arms challenge...

This team tried to make the monkey cake blindfolded

This team had to make the Barbie cake with all their wrists tied together

Blind Makeovers

Sometimes I think about how great it will be to hear "WELL DONE"!  During my struggles, I always think...."God, when you say WELL DONE....is this one of the moments you will be thinking about ?" I like to believe He gives me ATTAGIRL's along the way :)

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

In the van tonight Kenna and Vannah asked me a question....and I am not really sure of the answer...but it cracked me up.  Vannah has started watching Michael Jackson videos and she is kind-of getting into 80's music....I LOVE THAT!  BUT, they said, "Mom, why is it that in 80's music videos there is always some intro music....then there's awkward silence and people are just staring at each other for a really long time before the music starts again?"......"What is up with that?"  "Why was that a thing?"  HAHA!  What do you think?

We had fun watching Smooth Criminal tonight and trying to perfect some of those dance moves.

Taco Wednesday?

WHY NOT?!!!!!! :P

Karly won some art award at school among her peers and was super excited to enter her artwork into some competition....still fuzzy on the details :)  I still have not seen her picture, but I asked her what it was and she said, "a rainbow taco"....she reminds me of me soooo much sometimes...haha!  Tacos and nachos are in my thoughts often.

Let Us Plant All The Good That We Can Today

The last law of the harvest states, "We cannot do anything about last year's harvest, but we can about this year's"

There are two days in every week about which we should not worry—two days which should be kept from fear and apprehension.

One of these days is Yesterday with its mistakes and cares, its aches and pains, its faults and blunders. Yesterday has passed forever beyond our control. All the money in the world cannot bring back Yesterday. We cannot undo a single act we performed; we cannot erase a single word we said. Yesterday is gone.
The other day we should not worry about is Tomorrow with its possible adversities, its burdens, its large promise and poor performance. Tomorrow is beyond our immediate control. Tomorrow’s sun will rise either in splendor or behind a mask of clouds—but it will rise. Until it does, we have no stake in Tomorrow, for it is as yet unborn.
That leaves only one day—Today. Any man, by the grace of God, can fight the battles of just one day. It is only when you and I add the burdens of those two awful eternities—Yesterday and Tomorrow—that we break down.
It is not the experience of Today that drives men mad—it is remorse or bitterness for something which happened Yesterday and the dread of what Tomorrow may bring. Let us, therefore, journey but one day at a time.13
Actually, by taking care of today we provide for tomorrow—or at least prepare for it. The call of Scripture is “Today, if you will hear his voice, Do not harden your hearts as when they provoked Me, As in the day of trial in the wilderness.” The children of Israel miserably failed and wandered about in the wilderness for forty years because they failed to daily take care of their hearts so that they could keep their eyes on the Lord and trust in Him. The trials they faced were opportunities for growth and the glory of God, but because they failed to daily discipline their lives for godliness, they spent their lives going in circles in the wilderness (cf. 1 Tim. 4:7b).
The “War Cry” magazine reminds us of an important principle. “A loose wire give out no musical note; but fasten the ends, and the piano, the harp, or violin is born. Free steam drives no machine, but hamper and confine it with piston and turbine and you have the great world of machinery made possible. The unhampered river drives no dynamos, but dam it up and we get power sufficient to light a great city. So our lives must be disciplined if we are to be of any real service in this world.”14
What are the tests of life? They are tools in the hand of God designed to shape us into the character of Christ. Their design is not to break us, but make us by conforming us into His image. Again, while we should never want to fail, we all do and we need to learn to use our failures as stepping stones to growth and sowing a harvest for the glory of God.
We cannot control the length of our life, 
but we can control its width and depth.
We cannot control the contour of our countenance, 
but we can control its expression.
We cannot control the other person’s annoying habits, 
but we can do something about our own.
We cannot control the distance our head is above the ground,
but we can control the height of the contents we feed into it.
God help us do something about what we can control
and leave all else in the hands of God!15

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Needing A Miracle To The Max

I know most of the time guys get labeled as the ones who try to fix issues too often, but for some reason I am that way.  I attribute it to my very type A personality, always fixing things...always planning things into the future...always weighing out options A, B and C to check for the shortest distance between where I am and where I want to be, but even when we know we have a certain personality type, that doesn't excuse our behavior as we can definitely work on the trouble spots or acknowledge where we need to bend or, for me, wait...to allow for growth, compromise, and healing in relationships.

I don't want rotten miracles...I want the real deal :)

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Leaves of gold ...their former green,
the richest color briefly seen.
A canopy of purest light,
falls glittering down into the night.
As winds of change draw ever near.
The trees ...they seem to have no fear.
They know it's time they must transform
and with that, something NEW is BORN.
And so it's been, since the dawn of time
All things must learn to bend with clime.

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Last night the Western Panther Football Team had their final game in Dexter, MI....so we all went to cheer for the cheerleaders :)  We passed through Chelsea so I suggested we all stop and eat at Smokehouse 52....on the way....

Karly was amazed by the chandelier in the ladies bathroom :)

This kid's menu has more fun options than most places so she decided to order chicken and waffles :P

Vannah got the "hotter mess" BBQ on a baked potato

It was a great game for the Panthers.....kind-a chilly, though

Gotta love winning your final game of the season!!!

Friday, October 21, 2016

Behind The Scenes

A lot happens which we cannot see and, even if we could, we would probably not understand.  I was listening to a radio segment last night while I washed dishes...it was David Jeremiah and he was talking about prophecy and some of the fulfillment of it during our lifetimes.  During that talk so many thoughts were spinning in my mind about our world and this upcoming election for those of us living in the United States....we've heard all kinds of predictions of the world having "the last pope" now, the Muslims seeking and trying to usher in the 12th Imam....and, I know that many other generations have felt like they were in the last days...but what if we ARE living in that time?  I love pondering over these theories and probably find conspiracies too thrilling... I just have this feeling that our focus on this election is just some small dialogue scene playing out downstage while something AWESOME (and that could be taken as great or terribly awesome, but still magnificent and praiseworthy in the whole picture)...is being set to UPSTAGE it.

A couple years ago I was frustrated with some things happening at work and I had an opportunity to discuss these concerns with a consulting group privately.  I didn't really like the answer I received, but it has played over in my mind for a while.  They told me sometimes you have to break something just so that you can fix it.  I wanted to just tweak a few things to avoid breaking it completely, but we had tried a few things and those "fixes" weren't enough.  I have also heard of physical healing procedures which require breaking, resetting, and healing....I guess as I have thought this over again and again I have just realized the importance of having the right person ready to fix it....someone who is trustworthy....committed to the good of all involved.

We look to our elected officials or those vying for positions of power and we wonder....can they fix this or that....will they try to fix it or are they intending to break it....are they being truthful.....are they committed to our good as a nation or is there another agenda at work here?  I don't know the answer to that....however, that leads me to the personal question....do I trust God to break me/us if necessary for my/our healing?  Do I trust that He is good regardless of what I see in front of me and do I believe that yes, this is a part of His story, but not the final scene.

Because, if I believe He is good and has the BEST plan for me/us....then I need to be patient, faithful, and trusting when He is setting up for something....and believe that it is miraculous, it is redemptive, it is glorious!

Thursday, October 20, 2016

It is crazy how fast weeds can grow....they always seem to grow faster, taller, stronger and spread quicker than that which we purposefully plant.  To really WANT a flourishing garden, one must be diligent to tend it everyday.  I know because I tried gardening and when I thought I could skip a day or two of checking it and weeding it...it became overgrown.  A trampoline now sits over my first gardening failure.  HOWEVER, gardening teaches us patience and perseverance and weeds are an important part of that lesson.  I think about when Adam and Eve sinned and how God told Adam his work would be hard....to paraphrase....the ground will not cooperate with you and will produce thorns and thistles....it will take you so much work to even make bread.....

Law 6: 
We Reap the Full Harvest 
of the Good Only if We Persevere; 
The Evil Comes to Harvest on Its Own

This is a sobering principle of life. Scripture and the experience of life itself teach us that we reap the full harvest of the good only if we persevere, but evil naturally comes to harvest on its own. It doesn’t need our help. This is easily illustrated in gardening. It takes perseverance in cultivation to keep the weeds out and provide for conditions that promote healthy growth and fruitful plants, but weeds will naturally grow and take over a garden without doing a single thing.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Until It's Right


What Would You Do-ooo-ooo?

So glad to have this girl home again!  She was gone for three days to 5th grade camp and had a BLAST!  She loved the huge swing, but she is super tired!

I wanted to surprise Vannah with something today, but she was busy with SAT testing, cheer practice and color guard practice, so I knew there wouldn't be much time tonight. Even though we are having a party later, I wanted to go something fun today.... I walked around the store saying "What to do....what to do...what to do" to get some ideas....which led my brain to "what would you dooo-ooo-ooo for a Klondike bar" and that is the whole story of how my brain functions....ha!.... so I made a Klondike "cake" and took it to her while she was at cheer practice per her coach's approval :P  

Olaf was at the Dollar Store and he really wanted to go to cheer practice on the "cake"....Karly helped me put bows all over him because cheerleaders are a little crazy about bows.  I knew they would say "AWWWWW" when they saw him!

A friend of ours was traveling through Lansing for business and texted to see if we wanted 
Chick-fil-A for dinner....YUM!  I took some to Vannah at practice and she thought I went all the way there to get her some chicken.....I could've let that one slide for a while...haha...but, I gave credit to whom credit was due :) and we are all feeling like it is our birthday too!

The girls celebrating with Savannah during practice :)