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Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Happy Birthday To My Hubby!

Attempting to be FIERCE :)  
The girls plan to use puffy paint to add exceptions to this rule as needed. 

Parenting is tough....there are days when Brad and I definitely do not see eye to eye on how to handle situations with our girls....what is the right way to handle this? Should there be a punishment or just the natural consequence of this action? What if it is a pattern of behavior?  Should this standard be a hard and fast rule or just a guideline?.....He is a youngest child and I am an oldest child, so you can probably guess we fall at different places on a spectrum of those choices.  I think it is important to admit this stuff sometimes because people tend to think pastor's families have everything settled.

While our differing opinions can be frustrating for me as I struggle through adjustments to my perspective and learning submission, I am so thankful for him.  I know that GOD planned for us to work through this to come to a better thankfulness for God's perfect justice and, in so doing, to truly be AMAZED by His grace.  Do you ever wonder if you are still AMAZED by His grace?  I think we prefer to gloss over what justice would really mean for us, but if we do take a second to look at it, we would see grace to be AMAZING again.

Anyway, while I know that we may not ever learn to apply the perfect seasoning for both justice and grace, the fact that God has given me someone like Brad....who will challenge me to get it right....is like the sharpening of iron with iron....it is one of the most wonderful aspects of a friendship as recorded in scripture and for that I am blessed!

Happy Birthday, Brad!  LUB! 

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