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Saturday, October 15, 2016

Getting packed up for the college fair....it was a gorgeous night....

Setting up at Wayne State and meeting other Admissions Reps at a MACRAO fair....I met so many students...almost completely went through a whole bag of materials....WOW!  Praying that God would bless us with an incredible year of recruiting.

Enjoying our last home football game with family and friends...

Karly, Danielle, and Kassi got to be introduced as youth cheerleaders during this game :)

Today was the GREAT CLOSET SWITCHEROO....summer stuff out....fall/winter stuff in.  There are actually three sisters in this picture....can you locate them?  :P  Karly was feeling overwhelmed, so she just put the pants on her head....sometimes I just want to do that too :)  Closet organizing is NOT my favorite thing, but with five daughters changing sizes each year....IT MUST BE DONE.

And all their school pictures arrived, so I got to change out the frames....that is so fun to do and we always laugh and gasp at how much they changed in one year.

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