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Sunday, October 2, 2016

Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap.  For the one who sows to his own flesh shall from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit shall from the Spirit reap eternal life.  ~Galatians 6:7-8~

I read that the first law of the harvest is that we reap only what has been sown.

If you really think about that it is like the ripple effect only it is like every choice we make is like a seed we are planting....it always grows into something positive or negative, so it is so important to make wise choices and to plant seeds that lead toward redemption and reconciliation with God.

We have definitely enjoyed reaping the harvest of what others have sown for us for some time...

From The Seven Laws of the Harvest devotional: 

Not only are we blessed because of what God has done in our behalf, we are also blessed by what others have done. Others have labored and we have entered into the blessings of their labors. Any honest study of Western civilization must admit that the blessings we have enjoyed in the Western world, of freedom, of law, of ministering to the suffering, the poor and the like, are all the by-products of Christianity and our godly heritage.
A good number of years ago there appeared in the “Christian Advocate” the following:
America rests upon four cornerstones: the English Bible, the English language, the common law, and the tradition of liberty. But liberty, language, and the law might have been drawn from the Bible alone. Had we brought nothing with us across the sea besides this supreme book, we might still have been great. Without this Book, America could not have become what she is and when she loses its guidance and wisdom, she will be America no more.
Did we bring the Bible to these shores? Did it not rather bring us? The breath of the ancient Prophets was in the sails that drove the tiny Mayflower.
It has been said that South America was settled by the Spanish, who came to that land in search of gold, but North America was settled by the Pilgrim Fathers, who came in search of God. That is what made the difference.
We cannot give up seeking God.  
We need to be planting now for future generations so that they will not experience a spiritual famine, but a glorious harvest.  Let us NOT become weary in doing good...let us remain faithful despite our circumstances, our disappointments, or our feelings.  

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