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Sunday, May 31, 2015

Amen And Amen


The Man Who Has Made Me Well Said, "Pick Up Your Mat And Walk". ~John 5:11

Remission is a pretty awesome word for someone who is battling cancer.  Brad and I had the privilege to talk, laugh, and pray last night with two gentlemen from our church who are in the heat of that battle.  One of the men is a family friend and our children have grown up together.  We took him superhero shirts for each day of the week when he started his chemo treatments.  His hospital room has a view of one side of Mott Children's Hospital in Ann Arbor, MI.  He said one thing he learned that he thought was so cool was that the men who wash the windows for Mott dress up like superheroes and basically repel the building while they clean the windows....isn't that AWESOME?! Imagine Spiderman or Batman repelling outside your window as a child....even now, I wanna see that! It reminds me of something that could have been in the movie Patch Adams.  

Anyway, remission....sorry I get going on tangents sometimes. Remission for people battling cancer is such a relief....it means that tests show no signs or symptoms of cancer in the body at that time.  Our friend, Chris, is at this weird place right now where his first round of chemo is complete, but his test readings keep going up and down and there has been some debate between his doctors as to whether he is actually in remission or not.  They are wondering if a second round of chemo or other medical procedures will be necessary....there is a lot of waiting and testing to see how his body will respond in hopes of remission.  Remission from cancer is awesome, but it is not a 100% guarantee forever because our flesh is too weak to make guarantees like that, right?  I'm not saying that to be negative...just to make the contrast that God was talking to me about on the ride home.

Remission of sin is completely different....it is eternal....it is complete freedom from bondage.  If we are Christians, this truth for us, in us, and through us....should fill us with a joy that is even greater than that of a cancer patient experiencing the moment they hear the words...."your cancer is in remission"....that hit home last night for me as we prayed for these two men.  

I certainly was convicted on the ride back to Parma.  It reminded me of when Jesus was trying to make the point of which was easier to say to the paralytic..."take up your mat and walk" or " your sins are forgiven"....why don't we GET that?  Why don't I desire that more than anything else and live in that joy continuously?

Whereas doctors can work to remove cancer from the body via medicine and the wisdom God has granted them, they cannot replace that void with LIFE like GOD does when HE removes our SIN....He gifts us with something to completely fill us...Sometimes He does say, "Take up your mat and walk"...(and, by the way....it's okay to still be carrying your mat on the Lord's Day because it testifies to His goodness and glorifies Him), but He ALWAYS gives us the greater healing prepared for us in Jesus Christ and delivered by The Holy Spirit.

Saturday, May 30, 2015

1 For The Money, 2 For The Show, 3 To Get Ready...


We tried letting Snickers into our house yesterday, but she just hid all day under a chair...even when we put Kooper in a different area of the house.  We tried to coax her out with some food, but she would just reach out from under the chair with her paw and pull it under the chair to eat it.....that was pretty cute....I tried to video it....ooops, did I type that out loud? I KNOW, WHAT?!  So, today we decided....okay, she really likes being outdoors, so we should just let her be where she is comfortable.  Brad and I were working in the yard, so I left the garage door open to the deck to see if she would wander out to explore.  She doesn't like being held or prompted to do something....she wants it to be HER decision, so I am learning that REVERSE PSYCHOLOGY works on her :P  If you act like you are ignoring her, she will seek you out....I have this suspicion she is using some form of psychology on me as well.  Here are a few pictures from her first adventure in our yard....don't roll your eyes and assume I am becoming a cat lady...I KNOW YOU ARE!....but, this is merely a psychological experiment with a cat and a chance to test my photography skills on a moving subject....that is the definition of DENIAL, folks!

Do you even see a cat in this picture? Brad didn't :).....She's hiding behind the grill after she first stepped onto the deck...

"Maybe I'll look over the edge...."

Made the LEAP!

Feeling triumphant....already the QUEEN of the yard....paws-ing for dramatic effect!

"Now, I will conquer the pole barn....hmmmm, what's up there?"

YIKES!  I'm nervous she will begin bringing us a number of gifts :P
I will practice my non-disgusted, grateful expression.

Okay, now I am going to stop taking pictures of the cat because I don't want to end up with more of Snickers than of one of my own children...ha!  Right, mom?! :)

Well, I'm Learning...

This is such a great quote!

From a Desiring God devotional:

I don’t think Spurgeon’s comment came from a sarcastic “Pucker up, Waves!” perspective, but one of humble sobriety and childlike faith in God who works all things for our good. Whenever we encourage one another in our home with “kiss the wave,” the words are often spoken into a tearful conversation as a lump rises in our throats and our hearts feels like they are being squeezed in a vice.

The nearness of God is our good. And the trials we endure in this fallen world, perhaps more than most other things, have a tendency to awaken us to this truth. We remember Jesus, who is called Immanuel (“God with us”), and the cross he bore for our sake. Can the waves of trials then drown us if we have a Substitute who endured the greatest trial in our place?
We can “learn to kiss the wave” because Christ is near to us and supreme over all things. He died and rose again to vanquish evil forever. Christ is to us wisdom from God, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption (1 Corinthians 1:30). You can’t get much nearer than that.
When there’s nothing in heaven or on earth or under the earth that can separate you from Christ’s love, waves of trials can only throw you onto the Rock of Ages. Resting on that Rock is where I’d like to be and stay forever, and may the Lord bless the means he uses to remind me of that.

Friday, May 29, 2015



How could they possibly be expected to go to school on a day like this?  Kassi's 4th grade class got to tour Chicago today....not exactly like Ferris Bueller, but that just seemed like a fun title :P

Sea Stars at Shedd Aquarium...she loved this part!  She is still hoping to be a Vet someday.

ON TOP OF THE WORLD!....or the Hancock Building :)  Man, this brings back so many memories from my college days and being so close to the city....there's a restaurant at the top of this building....it's a little expensive...well, it was in college, but there used to be an area of it where you could just go for dessert and coffee....my roommate and I would always end our day trips there to watch the sunset on top of the world :)  If our table wasn't next to a window..this sounds crazy, but it's true....the ladies bathroom had an incredible view of the city.  You know how you walk into a room you've never been in before and if something totally out of the ordinary meets your vision....you feel a little scared.....that happened the first time we opened that bathroom door, but after that...it was a great excuse to powder our noses :)  This is the ladies bathroom on the 96th floor....best bathroom EVER once you get over the awkward feeling that you are in the bathroom and the whole world can see you!

Kassi at Navy Pier with her buds

The Cheesecake Factory....now I'm jealous (kidding....sort-of) they do have the most amazing 
White Chocolate Raspberry Truffle....

Just start the song again....OH YEAH....BOW....BOW....CHICKA....CHICKA....CHEESECAKE!  In my opinion, that cheesecake deserves it's own song.

It is probably really bad that some of my best memories of Chicago revolve around food....

I'm glad Kassi had so much fun with her classmates!  

Don't miss it, anyone!

There is a Cheesecake song.....just found one :) Maybe I HAVE reached the end of the internet.
and sung by a famous Chicago Jazz Musician...it is meant to be added to this blog...

Happy "Philemon" Friday

Ahhh, refreshing!

I always thank my God as I remember you in my prayers, because I hear about your love for all his holy people and your faith in the Lord Jesus.  I pray that your partnership with us in the faith may be effective in deepening your understanding of every good thing we share for the sake of Christ.  Your love has given me great joy and encouragement, because you, brother, have refreshed the hearts of the Lord's people. ~ Philemon 1:4-7

Thursday, May 28, 2015

It Only Makes Me Stronger

Snickers is adjusting to our garage so far....she is very friendly and I am thrilled that she remembers how to use the litter box.  I don't think she has used one for a couple years, so that was a pleasant surprise.  I think she is missing her other cat friends and the other house where she roamed free since we have not let her out and about yet.

Okay, I thought this was a cute picture, but then I wondered if that container is an urn....that makes the picture very sad.  Let's just consider it an item of home decor and that the other cat is visiting relatives.  Pretty soon the other cat's face will appear in the cat face drawing and there will be much to purr about....that would be a huge cat if it's head was really that big, whatever :P

Anyway, I tried letting Kooper and Snickers meet a few times today.  I am trying to get them used to being in the same room and not freaking out.  Snickers is much cooler about the whole thing than Kooper, but she definitely has her purr-sonal space.  He is so excitable...he can hardly stand it.  It might take a couple days of bringing them into the same area before he chills and just lets her do her thing.  Tomorrow, Snickers goes to the Vet and then we will transition her inside to let her get used to our home.  I have no idea how this is supposed to work.....introducing pets and helping them get acclimated to a new place....how long until we can let her roam the yard without fear that she will run off?....if only I could read her mind.

The girls are funny to watch adjusting to a new pet.  Karly said she already made up a secret hand (er, paw) shake with Snickers and Danielle had the opportunity to get some new library books at school today....look what she picked out....

She thought she was pretty clever for that...she wanted to see my reaction.  When I said, "AWWWW"...Brad said, "See, she has already won you over."....Not necessarily true.  I just don't hate the cat....and I am at the point where I am realizing this probably won't "kill me".  

Well now, that's ironic :)

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

That Was Then, This Is MEOW :)

I have never been a cat person for a variety of reasons,

 ...but my girls love cats and even Brad is fond of them.  He has been talking about getting one that would be a mousing cat and keep watch over our pole barn.  There was a stray cat that visited us for a little while last year and everyone (but me) was smitten with it.  Brad was talking about keeping it and then all of the sudden it didn't come around anymore....I had nothing to do with that. :P  I was picking up Karly several weeks ago at a friend's home and the mom asked me if we would want a cat.  She said there was a super nice cat that's owner had passed away a couple years ago.  It was used to being indoors, but had been living outdoors for a while and going back and forth between their home and a neighbor's home, but neither thought they could take it in because they had their own animals already.

I saw the cat at that visit and filed the idea away....but really wasn't thinking of pursuing the option.  Then, I thought....I am really the only one who is holding us back from having a cat.  I could at least give this a shot.  So, we are in a trial period to see how SNICKERS likes it here.  I am not sure if she will be an indoor cat or an outdoor cat since she is used to both options...but right now she is in our garage enjoying her cat food.  She was a scaredy cat for a while and hid under our garage steps until I came home from the grocery store with food for her.  Brad said she came out because she heard my voice and she really loves me....ha!  He is totally trying to get me to bond with her.

She's a Calico....if I have to say I like a cat....I do think they are cool when they are multi-colored like this.  She is a very pretty cat.  We have not tried to introduce Kooper to Snickers yet.....that will be interesting :)

This is the hope....but, probably not the reality.

I'm Thinking About The Way God Forgets

It seems crazy, but just because God puts our sin in a sea of forgetfulness doesn't always mean others will not go fishing and swimming in it.  The important thing to remember is how awesome it is that GOD forgives us and chooses to forget...this clean slate with Him should always give us hope and a future no matter what others dredge up to the surface from our past.

I have been thinking about the Duggar family since the news about Josh's past surfaced.  My daughters always enjoy watching their show and are sad that it may be ending.  I have enjoyed them being able to watch how another family makes decisions based on their Biblical beliefs and, even though they are more conservative than we are, I have cherished that the girls have taken some of their teachings about purity in dating/courting and raising children to fear the Lord into their minds. Their sadness yesterday led to a good conversation for us today after school about consequences and ramifications from the decisions we make....sometimes those consequences of our sins can last a long time and affect a lot of people.  The consequences aren't always nullified in our act of confession, receiving forgiveness, and reconciliation.  But, if our confidence is in Christ alone, we can be sure that we have been completely forgiven.

There are no perfect people....every one has a past...BUT, PRAISE GOD, WE ALSO HAVE A FUTURE!  Our world will always battle over the right proportions of justice and mercy in any case.  That will always have to run it's course in the courts of popular or public opinion and most of the time is motivated by hate, but God is the ultimate judge.  No matter what comes, He is LOVE....isn't is obvious the more we understand Him and His ways that He operates out of Love?.....even the way He chooses to forget our offenses....He wouldn't have to do that, you know.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

It's Not Even My Birthday

But, I look like a monkey and I smell like one too :P

I had a great trip to Potter Park Zoo today with Karly....except for a killer headache after we got home....wondering if that was due to some allergies.  It was so funny when I walked out of my room this morning and Karly saw me....she said "Mom, a goat is going to eat you!"  She went on a field trip last year and a goat tried to nibble on her jeans, so she didn't want to wear jeans this time....but, I was wearing jeans and had a lime green scarf around my neck.....between those two choices of clothing, she thought for sure I was in trouble.

Karly and Zsa Zsa reading the map for us....a couple seconds later they realized it was upside down :)

All the male peacocks were in full array and doing their "dance"....(must be that time of year)...then they would fight each other.  See the hen that is up in the left corner watching him?

Good thing this goat had already eaten a big breakfast :P


I really liked this close-up.


Yahoo...the penguins!

What type of animals have green tongues?

Hmmmm....What To Wear To The Zoo?

Field Trip Day with Karly :)

Monday, May 25, 2015

Counting Our Blessings

Celebrating and remembering the reason why we are free...

The traditional family picture on the steps of the Foster's home before the parade.

It rained on our parade for about 15 minutes prior to it starting and then the rest of the day was gorgeous!  I think Kassi is frightened by my wet hair-do :P

Parade wind and rain hair-do....lovely :)

 This was Vannah's first opportunity to march.  She told me a couple days ago..."I can march and I can play, but I can't march and play!"  It seemed like she was getting the hang of it by the end of the parade.  However, she made Color Guard, so next time she'll be twirling.

Karly, strategizing her best route down Grandma and Grandpa Foster's big hill.  Karly and the Radio Flyer Wagon were inseparable today.  She also got to walk in the parade, but insisted on pulling the wagon with all the candy in it....she knows how to make friends and influence people.

...and....of course....CORN HOLE....many games of corn hole.

The brothas....same, exact expression....loved that!

So many blessings....where was I?...I've lost count!

Through The Perilous Fight

I'm so thankful for the many who gave us their "last full measure of devotion"!

"Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.  Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure.  We are met on a great battlefield of that war.  We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who gave their lives that this nation might live.  It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.

But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate -- we can not consecrate -- we can not hallow this ground.

The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract.  The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here.

It is for us --the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us -- that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion -- that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain -- that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth."

~Abraham Lincoln
November 19, 1863