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Friday, October 31, 2014

All I Want

Playing dress up is so much fun!  I am excited that I get to do it again tomorrow at a friends get-together that has become a tradition for us...I loved seeing all the kids dressed up tonight and smiling....do you ever feel like someone else's happy makes your happy super happy?  Well, that happens to me a lot...there was the cutest little lion that came through the candy line....he had just come from outside and his little cheeks and nose were rosy....not with paint....for real....and he was adroarable....I was that weird lady that stares at other people's children for a second too long because he was THE CUTEST THING!  I'm just in a happy mood tonight and grateful that God has given us life that is full of this much fun!


Trek or Treat

This was our first year to try to pull off a Trunk or Treat at two locations, so we needed a way to travel back and forth quickly....Star Trek had the best travel options....it went really well!  Since the sky was falling, a lot of people decided to take us up on our offer to Trick or Treat indoors at the churches...our wonderful youth group volunteered to run games at each location as well, so it was TERRIFIC!

So, in my spare time I have been trying to figure out a STAR TREK HAIRSTYLE :)  I borrowed Kassi's Rapunzel wig from 2 years ago and tried to make it work, but it was too small for my head because it was a child-size wig and apparently I have a large brain....thus, the blue headband to cover my remaining brunetteness....whatever works, right?!

Our transporter beam took us to the 50's and we saw Danielle, Kassi and Karly while we were there :)

Somehow we also saw a Musketeer (Michael Lynne) and a Hippie (Kenna) on our journey.

Then we both transported back to our candy table at the Parma Church...like the streamer beams?  Brad is so serious when he transports....I just laugh the whole time because...
(well, here's a little known fact that we never learned from Star Trek)
the streamer beams kind-a tickle :)

The only thing that could have made the night better would have been if 
Scotty would have beamed up the MESS :)

Thursday, October 30, 2014

It's Just a Hop, Skip and A LEAP OF FAITH Away

I liked Karly's pow-wow topic at dinnertime, but she wasn't sure if it was a pow or a wow because it could have been both....and her eyes were SO BIG when she was telling us about it...(pow-wows are the high and low moments in our days) At gymnastics class, they are starting to teach Karly to try some new things on the uneven bars.  I remember having a unit on gymnastics in my school gym class and trying those bars....they were fun, but there seemed to be a large distance between them....a little too much, if you ask me.  Karly is not scared by much, she has enjoyed learning a few tricks on the low bar.  But, they are starting to introduce travelling between the bars.  The first time they got her standing on the low bar to make the jump, those bars seemed to be too far apart for her too. :)

 It's like a POW and a WOW all rolled into one wonderful, exploding leap....
it applies to so much of life....don't you think?!

One Song At A Time

I'm thankful for how HE holds us all the way through so we can keep singing one song at a time!


Wednesday, October 29, 2014

What A-Maze-Meant!

I always drive by this one field on the way to work...today, there was a sign on a post that said "CORN MAZE"....I said to myself, "cool, this is close to our house...I could take the girls!"  But, as I was driving by it, I glanced over to see it and there was just this one straight line that was mowed down the middle of the field from one side to the other.....hahahahahahaha!  I laughed the rest of the way to work.

And, McKenna's class did some Mad Scientist experimenting on pumpkins today
...here's a little video her teacher sent out :) I noticed my child is the one NOT TOUCHING the pumpkin guts.....she has her fingers out like "ewwwwww!" :)



I spent some time tonight working on Brad's and my costumes...fun, fun....Karly, running around in pieces of daddy's costume...I'm still not telling who he is gonna be, but I keep giving soooo many hints... :) I know your wondering, and I'm sorry, but all questions must be submitted in writing. :)

If You Are Breathing, This Is For You...

There are some things in life we feel like we can never change....they are "over our heads", right?  But, the one who bends down to listen is HIGHER than the problems that leave us cowering.
Stand tall and call out to HIM.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

And....Can You Drop Me Off In The Batmobile?

McKenna has spirit week this week at school and today is SUPERHERO day.  Last night, she decided she wanted to add just a touch of Batman to her ensemble....so, she thought she would only wear the cape today with her regular clothes :)  However, when she went to grab the cape she realized it was sewn onto the rest of the costume.  Decisions, decisions :)  So, she said, "I guess I am just supposed to wear the whole thing!"  That's my BATGIRL! :)  She might be one of the only students at the middle school in FULL COSTUME, but I love her attitude....all or nothing? ALL!...that's spirit! Hey, don't worry so much about what others are doing....just go for it!

Monday, October 27, 2014

Day After Day Isn't Just Two Days, It's All Our Todays

I got a little lost in Psalm 19 tonight during class at New Tribes.  I am sure I have read it a few times before, but I love that our class is really meditating on the Word.  We divided it into three sections...how creation testifies, "THERE IS A GOD!" in every way, how the Word of God is PERFECT and WONDERFUL for those seeking righteousness (OH, there's great stuff in there...I wandered through those words for a while....I'd encourage you to read it....even pray it :)...and, our response to this great knowledge.

I love the response section for it's simple question and earnest prayer....it is the right response for a heart that is open to correction.

But who can discern their own errors?
Forgive my hidden faults.
Keep your servant also from willful sins;
may they not rule over me.
Then I will be blameless,
innocent of great transgression.

When Summer Whispers Sweet Nothings

When summer whispers sweet nothings to September
the trees blush, the winds giggle, and even the leaves start to fall
in love with the ground just a little.

Upon their passing, October catches just a glimpse
of September's twinkle and smiles knowingly, warmly --
turning every branch into a golden bouquet

that carries over to November's grand gesture of trying to freeze this
moment "just because" there is no other thing quite as spectacular.
But, November remembers you can't freeze a moment in time.
You can only see and cherish that each leaf holds a slightly different hue --
Man's in the mind of the creator....and what is, is beautiful.

The first patterned intricacy of ice soon becomes a full-sized blanket
crocheted by December's skillful hands in a delicate covering of white.
...Bundling, tucking, and buttoning in.
And in the canopy, the same...a linen closet of snow awaits.

Shivering blast! January's opened the door for Newness
and left it wide! We all raise a shout to welcome her, then we wait and wait some more,
we peer outside, but no footprints are visible and the cold stings our faces.
No one wants to say it, but even January wonders if Newness didn't survive.

The journey was long and the blizzards, blinding,
but February made it through with Love guiding each step
The stories of her journeys were delightful and made us all wonder at how, in the midst of
an arctic blast, she could feel a strange sense of summer.

Warm inside....outside, winds roaring so loudly, you can barely hear March,
left, left, left, right, left....trudging through the snow on strict orders to bring back
Spring no matter the cost.  The days seem cruel and daunting, the mission of March
sees little success. And then one day, tulips

Puckering up as the rain gives the ground sloppy kisses, April dances through the puddles.
She offers us fantastic snow cones and slushies..but, she also brings her small pack of crayons and colors a few pictures on our blank canvas of snow....and that is her true passion.  She is not satisfied with her artistry...and dreams of learning secrets and new techniques...so, she asks us if she May

Meet an exquisite artist, she does....and he teaches her that colors come from life and life,
from what you pray. She teasingly calls him Mr. May I because he encourages her to ask God, "May I?" in faith for all the blues, greens, pinks, and reds she can dream of.  She laughs at first because this seems strange, but then she takes the leap. 

"Is a rose, called by any other, just as sweet?" "How do caterpillars sprout their wings?" June is unique.  "Is that music?"  "Are they dancing?"   She has an ever inquiring mind.  June bugs some people, but I think it's fine that she wonders about things she can't adequately describe...because her curiosity leads her to see things that others seem to overlook...

...Like, how it is that fireflies light the world like stars for the beautiful July.  Wherever she walks, a warm breeze follows her with a glass of lemonade.  And, caring nothing for socks, she paints her toes and could easily flirt with the sun or the shade if she wanted to.  In fact, I overheard one of them say, "She's hot!" But, she seems content to wait.

She's not looking for a fling...because she has a secret....shhhh! She is already engaged and her wedding's just one month away.  And she knows she is blessed because when we are at rest we do not think to keep track of months or days....the time just seems to melt into a sweetness called

And so, August, he is on his way.  And, this year, he is coming to whisk July away.

...just as sure as the seasons are made for change...

Sunday, October 26, 2014


We are making deadly SUCKER spiders at my house  :) This week is a "Market Day" week at school, so all the 4th and 5th graders get to make something to sell at the market.

We decided to do something a little goofy for the Halloween Market Day...these little guys are so easy :) AND, why is it that googly eyes make everything so cute?...haha!

It always starts with just one itsy-bitsy spider.....and then...

AHHHHHHHHH!  I'm a non violent person until I see a spider and then I'm like...

No, Let's Use The Swift Horses!

I loved Brad's choice of scripture for the Call to Worship this morning!  I have been so thankful as of late to be able to be back to leading with him.....I really missed it.  Today was my first solo since all the trouble with my voice made me unable to sing for very long.  At our church, usually there is a time of prayer before the "special" so it is always a good time for me to talk to Jesus, ask Him to calm me so HE can give the message of the song through me.  I have always said that prayer before singing, but now that I have experienced being without the ability to sing for a time, it just reinforces to me that we ARE completely dependent on HIM.

~Isaiah 30:15-18~

This is what the Sovereign LORD, the Holy One of Israel, says:

"In repentance and rest is your salvation,
in quietness and trust is your strength,
but you would have none of it.

This totally speaks to me of all the distractions I allow into my life and of my self-confidence, that if unrestrained, can become focused on self-reliance and not on dependence on God.

You said, "No, we will flee on our horses."
Therefore you will flee!
You said, "We will ride off on swift horses."
Therefore your pursuers will be swift! 

We always seem to think we can manage, right?  We can make this work out...we can run fast enough to get away.  But, the thing that is entangling us just gets faster at the same time.

A thousand will flee at the threat of one;
at the threat of five
you will all flee away,
till you are left
like a flagstaff on a mountaintop,
like a banner on a hill."

If we continue in this way of thinking and acting, our enemies (the things that turn us away from Christ) will become more powerful.  I'm thinking this is not the way to victory.

Yet the LORD longs to be gracious to you;
therefore He will rise up to show you compassion.
For the LORD is a God of justice.
Blessed are all who wait for Him!

I am not sure if this is the right way to interpret this, but I believe what we really need is deliverance.  We cannot elude our "enemies" in our own flesh.  We must "wait" on GOD to be delivered.  I don't think that wait is always about time....maybe sometimes :), but it is more about submission.  Submitting to the LORD will not require us to obtain the fastest horses because HE will RISE UP and show us COMPASSION.....raising us above our circumstances.

Isn't it amazing that the GOD OF THE UNIVERSE would LONG
to be gracious to me?! And yet, I saw this graciousness and compassion today!

Saturday, October 25, 2014

You Might Be An ESPN If...

A few weeks back I mentioned that I figured out my personality type was INFJ.  Brad and I have been joking about it off and on since then....I told him Jesus and Mother Teresa had the same personality as I do....that fact has come in very handy in some of our conversations :)...(what I didn't want to tell him was that Hitler and Osama Bin Laden also had the same personality type.)  YIKES!

Anyway, I have been telling him he has the personality type ESPN :)  So today he is really into the Michigan vs. Michigan State game.  Someone from the church called to talk to him about our church's Trunk or Treat for next weekend and I overheard him on the call.  He meant to say, "Yeah, we hope we'll have a good turnout!"  BUT, he said, "Yeah, we hope we'll have a good turnover!" :)

Good grief!

Bet Your Bottom Dollar That Tomorrow

Part of Brad's Halloween costume is a really curly wig.  I am not expounding in more detail about his costume because there is always a friendly competition for the best costumed couple among friends....and I am excited about ours this year....I enjoy a little nonsense now and then :)  BUT, the girls keep putting on the curly wig and singing songs from "Annie" at the top of their lungs...it's GREAT!

We have so much time and so little to see...wait a minute. Strike that. Reverse it. :)
Tomorrow is only a day away, but don't forget to enjoy this moment.

Friday, October 24, 2014



He Will Sustain You

Have any burdens you need to take to the Lord?  The last couple weeks have been full of them for me.  I found these statements to be helpful for me to give these troubles to the Lord and to find PEACE in HIM.  HE will sustain us through anything.

I'm not an incredible morning person....I'm so-so, but if I had a choice, I'd pick my bed that is still the perfect temperature and is still calling my name...however, I am learning that life can throw some pretty tough stuff my way and if I will get up early and pray and spend time with GOD as a FIRST PRIORITY then my heart and mind will be prepared to allow HIM to work in and through my day and the stressful issues that arise.  

My prayers are not really about the words I say.  Nothing I do moves the mountains in my life....faith moves mountains because GOD MOVES THEM OUT OF THE WAY.  When I pray for a care I have.....that strengthens my faith and honors GOD at the same time.  The ONE who MAKES A DIFFERENCE is ready to.  I NEED TO PRAY IN FAITH!

REST. HAVE PEACE....STUDY THE WORD SHALOM....I don't think there is an English word that can reach it's full meaning...I just read about it last week and some of the meaning packed into it....it is full of wonderful things for us and it is only found in CHRIST JESUS...

Thursday, October 23, 2014

One A Penny, Two A Penny

Tonight was so much fun!  It was crazy chaos because we had to divide and conquer to get all the girls to their practices....4 to play practice, Karly to gymnastics.....then, quick everybody throw down some MickeyD's on the way to meet at the High School for McKenna's first 6th grade band concert at 6pm.  On the way there I was thinking....I know I am going to hear HOT CROSS BUNS tonight :)

So, we all get to the concert and we are sitting in the middle in the 5th row back.....great seats...and I remembered that Savannah was ushering at one of the side doors, so I look around for her and spot her at the door right across from our row.  She spotted me too and we started waving and then blowing kisses and then doing that one gesture where you are saying, "I'm watching you!"  We were both really into all our gesturing and then I realize....no one can see Savannah doing this because she is on the other side of the auditorium outside the doors....but, there are people....especially one man in  particular in a gray sweatshirt at the end of my row that thinks I am gesturing to HIM...... HAHAHAHAHAHA!  HI-LAR-I-OUS!

So, the concert was great....Kenna had a one note solo :)  It was intentional.  All the different sections had two representatives come to the microphone, one to talk about their instrument and, the other, to play one note.  Kenna demonstrated one glorious note on the trumpet....and then BOWED deeply, of course! :)

Then, they had a little surprise at the end of the concert.  The kids were supposed to pick one of their parents to come up to the stage, teach them Hot Cross Buns, and then the parents had to play it for the audience.  YEP, I not only got to hear Hot Cross Buns tonight, I got to play it with a bunch of other parents....my lips went numb :)

AND, Savannah is now learning the oboe.  In 7th grade she picked up the flute....in 8th grade she picked up the saxophone...and, now, her freshman year, it will be the oboe...she just got permission from her band director yesterday :)  She's working on being a one-woman band, methinks. (I must have been thinking of Kenna's pirate pumpkin....was going to remove methinks, but Savannah wants the word to stay put.)

If you have no daughters, give them to your sons
(Brad said no one will know that is actually a line in Hot Cross Buns....now you do :)
but, as for me, 
my daughters gobble up

Festive Fall Fun

We finally got the last pumpkin carved the other day, so I thought I would post some pictures.  Savannah's is the Minion and McKenna's is the Pirate :)

Kassi has a cat pumpkin.  Which I think could double as a mouse :)

Danielle has an owl pumpkin. (My personal fave because I drew it out for Brad on paper first....and it is so cute!)  AND, did you know if you have a stuffed OWL near your pumpkins other animals will not eat them.  I don't know if it will work to have a pumpkin carved as an owl, but we'll see :)

AND, Karly wanted a bunny pumpkin.

GREAT JOB, DAD/BRAD! Brad's hand was really hurting that day!

AND, we are hoping to get some fun Halloween pictures soon.  My friend is starting a photography business....so, I am hoping to help her build a portfolio of fun pics!  

The wicked Karly of the East is under my bed...haha!

I've been picking up discount Halloween costume items....so, I think we are ready now :)

You would have loved being in our house the night they all tried these on....magical craziness ensued! Why are stripedy tights so wicked?....I think they're fun!

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

And, If That Were Not Enough

I am thinking of my cousin and his wife and family today.  After delivering twin boys, one of them had some serious health problems and, over the weekend, his lungs collapsed and he could not be revived.

Our extended family is mourning the loss of Conner Daniel Alvey.

It is my prayer that they would be comforted.

Some of my thoughts have gone to what it means to grieve or mourn...it is such a deep void that words hardly ever make sense to describe it.  We use the above verse often in our feeble attempts to provide encouragement...BUT, some Bible scholars believe we take it out of it's true context.  I disagree with it being completely out of context, but I think we don't always come to the whole understanding of the verse when we only apply it this way.  The grief we feel when we lose a loved one is like a living illustration for us from God to begin to understand this verse.  Actually, there are so many illustrations in life to show us what Jesus is talking about.  This one connects our deepest void of extreme earthly loss to separation from GOD unto DEATH.  It is really implying that when we realize we are completely separated from GOD we will mourn as if we had lost someone of incredible value to us....but, really we are grieving the loss of ourselves when we finally understand that we are DEAD IN OUR TRANSGRESSIONS.  Mourning acknowledges death because it signifies a complete separation from life. 

The reason we are blessed in this kind of mourning is because it is, spiritually, the first step back to life...our return journey home with the tears of our grief still falling down our cheeks.

It would mean nothing if there was not some kind of reunion, right?  BUT, there is and will be too!  The one who comforts us will RUN to US to end the separation.

AND, if that were not enough, HE will also allow us the joy of seeing our earthy loved ones again who are in HIM....

We can find a lot of things in HIS LOVE :)

That is why I think the verse from the Beatitudes can be such an encouragement to us spiritually, 
it can also apply to our mourning in this physical existence and toward our deepest desires to be reunited with loved ones.   

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

From Point A

I got trained on "THE CUBE" today and I survived...I say I survived because there was some anxiety there for me as this is a brand new "ballgame"...learning some complicated techie stuff :)  I asked a lot of questions, took notes....and, at the end of the training session, I asked if there was a way for one (like how I made that third person instead of first person?!)  to mess up "THE CUBE"....I mean, are there buttons one should absolutely never push?....The man training me said it is a "read only" cube, so any data I pull or reports I request, pivot, slice, whatever...will never destroy the cube......
SHEW.....that's a load off!

~Erno Rubik, the inventor of Rubik's Cube~

Ever tried to solve the cube and get trapped by your own will to protect the one side you had perfect?...That is why I have always given up.... I think we do it all the time in life....we have one place that is just the way we like it and we don't want to move anywhere else because we don't want to mess that part up.....but, there are many other parts in our life that need tons of work and God wants us to surrender our "perfect" side, so He can work in us on many different levels.  

I have a friend who is a student at Spring Arbor University right now.  She comes into our office during the lunch hour to cover the front desk for phone calls and we joke around when I am leaving for lunch or returning to the office.  She has a fun personality and she and I were laughing about my new responsibilities in "THE CUBE" and I said something like, "If I can ever figure it out!"  AND, she said, "I believe in you....and sometimes that is all it takes."

We were totally joking, but that statement stuck with me all day....finding the way to POINT B requires belief.  If we believe GOD will take us there, we will never give up....if others believe in us, we will be amazingly strengthened in our pursuit. 

Try This For Fun....

There's no practice time :)

What did you get?  I thought one of mine was mental and then I realized it was attached to senti, so now I am not sure if I have to say I am mental or if I can claim the whole word sentimental...ha!

Monday, October 20, 2014

New Every Morning

"When we don't get what we deserve...that's a real good thing.  
When we get what we don't deserve...that's a real good thing." ~Newsboys

MERCY and GRACE are so incredible and we get to be detectives everyday looking for evidence of them in our lives!  We are so spoiled to be living in an age where we really don't have to receive the outright punishment for our sins or any drastic consequence as is often described in the Old Testament.  We have been studying the Psalms on Monday nights with a New Tribes class and part of our study tonight was on the Imprecatory Psalms...these Psalms call out prayers for curses on enemies.  They usually follow the pattern of the writer describing the cause of the prayer, then asking for a certain curse (most of the time quite dramatic), then putting confidence in God...or giving the situation over to God.  When we read these, we consider them pretty violent, however they are all in line with Old Testament rules, orders...the seeking of justice....the writer was never "out of line" demanding even death for his enemies. 

However, we live in GRACE because of Christ and I am so grateful for that...we no longer are to pray curses on our enemies, but we bless those who persecute us.....and justice is seasoned with much mercy.  What Christ accomplished to give us GRACE was accomplished for all and is offered freely to all.  

Every morning we wake up to HIS MERCY AND HIS GRACE in our lives!  

We are in the BOOK OF LIFE only because HE TOOK OUR PUNISHMENT.
We often talk about awaiting a future freedom, but we really are enjoying SUCH FREEDOM already as every page gives us abundant life through HIS GRACE AND MERCY!

With Chocolate Cake

Isn't it interesting how parenting changes over the years?


I dunno about your kids, but I think mine would be OKAY if I promise to
add "with chocolate cake" to the end of each unpunctuated phrase above...I mean, without the punctuation, the phrases must not be complete, right?  :)

Sunday, October 19, 2014

When All Else Fades

I remember one time I was at the beach when I was a kid and I was playing in the sand and shells and had a handful of the beach like this picture.....only, my handful had a bunch of little tiny shells in it too.  I asked my mom to point to the prettiest shell in my hand and she looked for a little bit and then said, "I like that little pink one!"  Well, then it moved and we were both shocked and laughed....out of all the pebbles, sand and shells in my hands, she had pointed to my little pinky fingertip that was peeking through it all.  

How precious are Your thoughts about me, O God.  They cannot be numbered!  I can't even count them; they outnumber the grains of sand!  And when I wake up, You are still with me!  
~Psalm 139:17-18

I Know This Is Going To Come As a COMPLETE SURPRISE :) !!!


I found a song I like from We Are Leo the other day and started dancing around while I was cleaning.  I am always on the lookout for good cleaning songs....a little techno is great!  So our dance moves were based on cleaning...."the vacuum", "the sweep", "the duster"...everybody had a different move :P  BUT, my dearest 14-year-old is in that place...you know where it might be fun to participate, but it also could be the stupidest thing in the world to do "the vacuum"....that place.  SO, I want to dedicate this song to her for her birthday!  Because I know she is thinking, "MOM,

:)  I know DEEP DOWN she is not as calm as she appears!  
DRIVING is the theme for this year....driving each other insane, right?! :)

Daddy, Mommy, Kenna, Kassi, Dani, Karly, and Koop

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Gifts That Last

I've been birthday posting a lot, haven't I?  It got me thinking today in all my running errands, grocery shopping, cleaning the house for Savannah to have some friends over and getting ready to take them out for dinner...about the verses in Matthew 7 that talk about the difference between what a parent gives a child and what God has to give...

...Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake?  If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!  So, in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.  Matthew 7:10-12

I love giving good gifts....I love surprises and I love making mental notes of things people like...to be used against them later :P  If you have adopted, you may have encountered this issue as well, but it broke my heart to know that Savannah and Danielle had never had birthday parties....that kind-of makes me want to go overboard now, ya know! My little gifts aren't always super important, but I think it is more about knowing you are valued anyway.

The gifts we can give are only a faint representation of what GOD gives.  
His gifts LAST.  I read this recently.... 

I asked for health that I might do greater things;
I was given infirmity that I might do better things.
I asked God for strength that I might achieve;
I was made weak that I might learn to obey. (AMEN)
I asked for riches that I might be happy;
I was given poverty that I might be wise.
I asked for power and the praise of men;
I was given weakness to sense my need of God.
I asked for all things that I might enjoy life;
I was given life that I might enjoy all things. (POWERFUL!)
I got nothing I asked for, but everything I hoped for;
In spite of myself, my prayers were answered - 
I am among all men most richly blessed.
YES, GOD always gives us what's best for us.

I Like Choptober Birthdays! YUM!

Savannnah and BFF's at Ichiban...I went along as the photographer :)

Chop, chop.....

Sharing the birthday dessert....everyone at our table sang to her (even strangers :) and she got GONGED! :)

I told her I was going to post a picture of the flame and say it was because of all her birthday candles....she gave me a look that said, "That's such an old joke, mom!"  and really it is, because of the correlation between a higher age and the increased amount of candles....get it? An OLD JOKE :)