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Wednesday, November 14, 2012

A Series of Unfortunate Events

It was ONE OF THOSE DAYS!  Isn't it funny when people say that and we can totally identify!? Yesterday started off with Vannah and Kenna's room flooded because their humidifier (a large one) had leaked all through the night....then, Kenna was dancing to some music in her room while getting ready for school and threw something out in her neck with all those crazy dance moves.  I was checking my gym bag to make sure it was packed so I could work out at lunch and I realized a tupperware with blueberries in it had leaked and stained one of my favorite sweatshirts (which I often borrow from Brad...yikes, I'm in trouble).  Brad had to stay home with Kenna who was having trouble moving her arm and her neck, so I had to take Karly to school and I was late for work.  At work we are trying to learn a whole new CRM system, so that has been ooodles of fun...it is definitely hard to teach an OLD DOG (me) new tricks. BUT, I have gone from completely frustrated with it to being able to laugh about it, so that is much better.  I can't say it is better for my co-workers because I am laughing about everything by 3pm and many think I have completely lost it!   Later in the day, Grandma was to pick up Vannah at our house and the other girls at school to take them to dance lessons.  She picked up Vannah and they packed the dance bags...got to the interstate and realized the dance bags were still at our house, so had to turn back to pick them up.  Then, they went to the school to pick up the other girls...they found Danielle, but  Kassi had forgotten it was dance day and jumped on the bus.  Grandma tried to call Brad, but he was in the dentist's chair...haha!  Grandma and Vannah thought to check at the office and they called the bus driver to say they will pick Kassi up at the HS where the bus stops to transfer students. Meanwhile, Kassi realizes she is on the bus and she shouldn't be there and has a good cry.  Danielle tells me she lost her gloves somewhere...(that was not surprising) that is about the fifth pair she has been through since the weather has been turning colder.  A DAY IN THE LIFE, RIGHT?! CRAZY! These types of days can drive the control freak in me completely bonkers!  Finally, we all made it safely home and were dying laughing about it over pizza.