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Thursday, December 31, 2015

As We Welcome 2016...

Wishing you a blessed New Year!

We have a divided house when it comes to our teams....some are Michigan and others are Michigan State fans...our evening will definitely include watching the Michigan State - Alabama game.  We hope we will ring in the New Year with a win!

Have a wonderful time celebrating the New Year!

Does Your Success Need Redefined?


Wishing you MUCH motivation as you think through your New Year's Resolutions :P
May you experience success this year by accomplishing the goals you set for yourself.

Sometimes when we are setting goals for ourselves we have really high expectations, or maybe we have failed at keeping our resolutions for so many years...it has become a joke to us.  Maybe, if we are Christians, we rely on the theology, "Ask, and God will give it to you."  While it is true that we should take our needs, requests, burdens to God, it normally doesn't happen as simply as that for us to experience success.  Remember, God is also the one who instituted work and most of the time the way of faithfulness to GOD is through hard work....right actions over long periods of time.  Results occur when we diligently and thoughtfully use our talents for His glory.

Oswald Chambers believed worship occurs when we are giving our best to God.  I read this definition in a devotional....The measurement of success is simply the ratio of talents used to talents received....How are we spending our time?....How are we sharing our talents?....and, are we exalting Christ through it all and becoming mature in our faith?

The devotional shared four ways to set yourself or others up for success...these are not "prosperity principles" as much as they are ways of thinking, attitude....or behaviors that foster success and fulfillment.

1. Verbalize it.  For some reason, it is so much easier for people to talk negatively about goals and plans....to find the flaws in them.  Choose to be a person who sees potentials.  In your dealings with others regarding their dreams, remain truthful, but choose to be an encouragement and support to them.  Choose to speak words of affirmation.

2. Reinforce it constantly.  Tell stories of successes...find stories of hard work and fulfillment that can inspire you or those you love and want to support. I loved what the writer of this devotional used as an illustration to this point.  He said to consider Paul.  Paul said, "There's a crown waiting for me," and in another place, "Only the winner gets the crown."  Paul is saying, "I plan to succeed! I am a winner!"  It really is an attitude of victory which helps us run this race successfully.  You may have to search a little to find this....seek God for it....ask Him to give you something special that truly motivates you.....a burden on your heart for something specific....something you can give your efforts for in His name.....something you can be passionate about.  When you learn of goals for others don't take that lightly.....it is a privilege for someone to share something of any depth with another person.  The vulnerability is loving and so should the response be....follow-up with them to see how they are doing, send them something tangible to let them know you are thinking of them in this matter, pray for them.  

3. Implement it.  Pursue the opportunities God gives you and use your time wisely.  Give others invitations to join in.   

4. (I am altering this one a little) While you are experiencing success...actively inspire others.  Make sure others know first that they have permission to be successful.  I have found this to be true when I sing at church.  A lot of people like to say encouraging things to me about my singing and that gives me an open door to thank them for a compliment (more on this below), but also ask them what they enjoy doing....what talents or hobbies do they enjoy?  A lot of people have never felt like their talents or abilities are even worthy of sharing with others, let alone useful for God.  It is important that they understand God has given them something wonderful for them to use....and they can totally delight in it as they use it. That is a pretty awesome thing for people to discover, but it could take some time and it could take your assistance as they step out of their comfort zone into a place where they feel vulnerable.  If I learn that people like to sing, sometimes offering to sing a duet with them is just what they need to break through their fears and start using that gift.  Within that development and understanding that we all have talents and abilities that we can use for God should come the teaching that it is not only fun to discover what this is, but it is also our responsibility to use it to glorify our Lord. 

....On accepting praise....I have never been good at accepting a compliment.  For some reason, I have always felt as though I was not being humble if I received praise, so it has always made me feel a little uncomfortable.  The author of this devotional offered a new perspective which I definitely appreciated.  You don't have to resist a compliment or deny you have a gift in order to glorify God with it....you should confirm it by accepting the compliment at the same time you are praising God for being the source of all gifts.

I hope you enjoy this New Year's Eve and take some time to intentionally inquire of the Lord where you can use your talents in the year ahead.  I pray that your faithfulness will be met by much fulfillment.

...Let us run with endurance the race God has set out before us...
~ Hebrews 12:1~

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Taking His Hand

Next year is just ahead.  When we think about stepping into a new year, we may be met with a lot of different emotions.  I think it is comforting to remember that whatever we encounter down this road, GOD IS WITH US!  In fact, He goes before us too to make sure it is exactly what He wants for us to experience.  

Have you ever prepared a scavenger hunt or left notes for someone to find?  It is delightful to think through an adventure and leave them surprises along the way....just imagining their finding the things you have left for them is wonderful....but, being able to be with them when they find it....now that's where GOD has an advantage :).  I read a quote from Billy Crystal once and I saved it because it was inspiring to me....He said, "My granddaughter's birth has made me want to create things she will love" :)  His statement reminds me of this verse:

If you, then, though you are sinful, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask Him! 
~Matthew 7:11~

It seems strange to think God is already journeying into 2016 and beyond for us, but it is not impossible for Him.....maybe He is making your rough places, smooth....and crooked places, straight....maybe He has left a miracle in 2016 for you...isn't that an exciting thought?!  Have you asked Him to do that yet?  Whatever He is preparing for you to experience in 2016, it is a part of His perfect plan for you....but, the best part is that His hand is outstretched...we don't have to walk it alone.
"Ready my heart for everything that's coming my way"

Steady Me

Who'da Thawed This Was True?


Tuesday, December 29, 2015

He Was Made Of Terra Cotta....

But the children really oughta 
paint him to life....anyway!


The finished projects were sooooo cute!

My little snow girl....what should I name her?  If I go by the snowman naming chart, she would be:

Monday, December 28, 2015

I guess the question is whether or not we are willing to learn that way.  It is not the way our hearts naturally want to travel.  Christmastime is so wonderful as a time to see and celebrate with loved ones....family and friends....but it also can teach us many lessons about love.....sacrifice, forgiveness, reconciliation, humility, faithfulness....in a way, it also shows us where we might be lacking as we stop our normal day-to-day activities to focus on our relationships through Christ.  Sometimes, we are confronted with situations where we realize our need to ask GOD to show us the perfect way.

How To Wait Out An Ice Storm In Style

Visiting with my parents and my brother's family in Indiana

All the cousins...ready for gift opening after our Christmas devotional and communion.  

THEN, Family Minute To Win It....CHRISTMAS EDITION.... (my mom made up the games...errr...I mean the elves made them up!)

Karly won the "Snowball Slurries" game with 34 cotton balls in her hat.

Uncle Josh trying to catch tortillas on a plate for the "Housetop Hysteria" game...the tortillas were Santa's Sleigh and you had to land as many as you could on the "rooftop" plate.

Brad and Brayden trying to get the most tortillas on a plate.

Dad playing the "Candy Cane Capture" game.  I think he won this game for his team with 10 candy canes....you had to only use the hook of a candy cane with your teeth to try to grab the others and move them to another location.

Karly, playing "Packable Stackables" for our team.....

Brad rocked this game and won it for his team!

Not sure how we managed to win it, but with Karly's win in the snowball game, Kenna and I taking strong seconds in the candy cane game and the tortilla toss (I amused myself by trying a totally different kind of tortilla flip and it worked for me :)....we didn't do so well in the Packable Stackable game, but we were tied for 1st place and Karly managed to secure the win for us with a best two out of three in a rock, paper, scissors game. 

Our award was being able to open Santa's pack and hand out gifts to everyone.  I really like Brad's face in this picture.....he wasn't too happy that we had won because he had such a strong win in the last round of Packable Stackables.   

Brenna and Karly making appetizers for us with an Easy Bake Oven

Kenna and Vannah experimenting with Kenna's new make up....Kenna asked me several weeks ago if she could start wearing some make up now and I had to pretend to be MEAN MOMMY and give her a wacky reason why I was saying NO because I knew she was getting some for Christmas :P

Lookin' good! :P

Brayden and Kassi practicing their jokes for the Variety Show

Danielle the Magnificent awes us with her magic tricks

Josh and Brenna's dance routine....Karly waiting to show us some of her gymnastics routine

Dad and mom getting ready for their duet

Kassi...what can I say?....Jingling All The Way...she, Brayden and Danielle were great MCs!

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Memory Lane

One funny thing about visiting my parents for Christmas is that all my girls always want to go through all my old photos to see what I looked like when I was younger and laugh at me.....they found my sophomore year picture when I had braces (I can't believe that was nearly 25 years ago....WHAT!?)...  I actually had done my hair a little similar for church this morning....and I was wearing a black and white sweater....they said I was "twinsies with myself" :P  

"From My Heart To The Heavens"

Jesus At The Center

So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in Him, rooted and built up in Him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.
~Colossians 2:6-7~

Saturday, December 26, 2015

299 792 458 m/s

This is just such an interesting question.  Darkness isn't really it's own entity.  It would have to exist on it's own in order to advance like light or sound.....but it does not.  It is only the absence of light...not the presence of dark....does that make sense? So, there is no speed of dark.

Wherever you are, SHINE.

Joy To The World

Friday, December 25, 2015

Maybe you too have things on your "wish list" that cannot be purchased.  
It's okay to ask your Heavenly Father for those things.
Sometimes we act silly and jest when we say something is
"A Christmas Miracle!"
......But God wasn't messing around with us when He gave us Jesus.


The effective fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.
~James 5:16~

Some Lovin' From The Oven

Savannah, playing with her new toy from Santa.  Santa is just so amazing to me.  How does he always know what we will need right before we need to use it :P

One of the elves who likes to lick the bowl....

The finished Peppermint Chocolate Torte.....hope it tastes as great as it looks at our family gathering tomorrow.  Savannah did a great job adding the decorative border at the top!  If it is yummy, I will share the recipe.

All the girls working on Christmas cookies....we are in charge of the dessert :)

It IS Christmas Morning....before 7am!

Karly and daddy reading the Christmas story from the Gospel of Luke....this was Karly's first year to read it.  CUTEST part was when she got to the section describing the swaddling clothes.....she said "and wrapped him in SWAG"....:)  I am still giggling!

TO THE BASEMENT!  Did Santa come?

Daddy got the drone he always wanted....I keep wanting to call it a clone....I bet he thinks that would be nice too!

She was super excited about the PupStar.....she already named her ROXY!

I admit....this one was posed.....BUT Danielle (the Magnificent) is excited about her new tricks!

Kooper even got a present....matching jammies....doesn't he look thrilled?!

One of my gifts....happiness on Christmas morning!

NOT POSED.....just awesome....we had a couple large gifts this year....so we had Christmas doors 
# 1,2,3 and 4......Savannah accidentally said...."behind Christmas door #14.....which totally cracked me up....I am not sure if we even have 14 doors in the house"  "Everyone sleep in the middle of the floor because we need to use all the doors!" :) She was hoping there was a car behind this door....the door was to a closet.....it would have had to have been one of those super tiny electric cars...ha!

She got the snowboard she has been wanting :P

Daddy got a new duct tape Michigan wallet and it even had some money in it.....I had no idea the girls were doing that :)

I got a selfie stick.....this opens whole new worlds for me.....we'll at least I can get a picture of my whole family together now.....I never could hold my arm out far enough to fit seven of us in the picture.

What was behind door #1 and #3 :)

The wonderful mess, right?!

Savannah commissioned a couple artist friends to paint us some pictures.  Kenna loves horses....this reminds me of our trip to Chincoteague Island and what we hoped we would see.  This was painted by Rebecca Clevenger....she is a sophomore in high school....I thought she did an amazing job on this!

Every time we attend an event with concessions, Kenna always has to check to see if they have the HUGE pickles....:)  We told her she had to open this one with a straight face, but she couldn't!

Giving Snickers her new cat bed....I mean she DID give us a gift :)

Another of Savannah's friends, Celeste Cardwell, painted this one for me.  Savannah told me who each rose symbolizes in our family and how I am the blue bow that is holding them all together.  Sometimes there are no words....just thankfulness!