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Friday, April 28, 2017

Have you heard this funny quote..."Who are you and how'd you get in here?"..."I'm a locksmith.  And, I'm a locksmith." - Leslie Nielsen  :)

Tonight, my family decided to try one of those escape rooms....it was a steampunk theme and was set up like a old time scientist lab....we had to put together clues and find hidden patterns, keys, ciphers, puzzles, codes, shapes, numbers, underlined letters in words, calculate amounts of things listed in article clippings....we had to heat something up with a blowdryer for a hidden message....that was probably my favorite thing because I was blowdrying almost everything in the room trying to see what it worked on....haha.... and we used a black light to shine on a message and had to figure out these magnetic thingies.....absolutely crazy awesome mind games!!!

I was looking for something fun to post in my blog about this and I saw the picture above....it just hit me tonight.  We did not escape the room.....we were really only maybe 2 minutes away from the solve...our Game Master was excited for how far we had gotten with having some younger kids with us.  The girls were amazing and I was impressed with how well they could handle the riddles and puzzles, but one thing that struck me was something one of the "Game Masters" told us in our instruction time.  He said, "Don't forget to communicate because many teams don't make it out due to a lack of communication"..."He said, the younger ones may see something you don't see and you really need to listen and share to put all the pieces together to get out."

The keys to get through this life....to overcome the evil one....are the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony.  The word of our testimony is our story....our experience.....what we have and are seeing....the clues we have found to make sense of our faith....the cipher to our discovery of truth.....the patterns where GOD has shown up for us....the light which has illuminated our path.  When we communicate these elements of our faith, we are handing out key after key after key to our teammates to make their solution that much easier....to give them answers to the tough questions of their hearts.

I am not a locksmith.....and I am not a locksmith.....but, I have a lot of keys I have picked up on my way through life so far and I know God is and will give me more.  I wonder what this one's for?  :)

I spent some time yesterday planning a little getaway with some friends in June and there was SOOOO much laughter even in the planning stages :)  I am so thankful for great friends who, over time, I have realized are not just enjoying the fair weather moments with me.  When trials come to test us and our friends stick closer than a sister....that is such an amazing blessing!

Thursday, April 27, 2017


Wednesday, April 26, 2017

I'm praying for more understanding regarding a certain situation and in my reading time today I came across a section which I felt God meant just for me.  I love how when we seek Him, He's like,
 "ta-da!" :)  

This is from Lysa TerKeurst's book, Uninvited....

In that space of not understanding, we simply must state, "God, I don't understand this situation.  But I do understand Your goodness to me.  I thank You for the protection that is part of this rejection even when I can't see it.  I trust You."

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

We enjoyed Village Hope Youth Got Talent on Sunday evening!  It makes my heart so happy to see all these kids growing up....and growing in God at the same time!

Kassi WOWed us with her Little Mermaid, Part of Your World, song....especially when she started to brush her hair with the fork....errr Dinglehopper.

Savannah choreographed her own routine for her Color Guard flag and rifle to Lindsay Stirling's, The Arena, song.

Kenna and Karinna performed a newer version of This Little Light of Mine....and, man, that one made me cry...well, a few things that evening made me emotional.  These two friends have such a special relationship....basically friends from birth.  McKenna was two week old when Karinna was born and they have been friends ever since :)  LOVE that my girls have good friends like this!!!

Vannah and Kassi sang Lavender's Blue together....super sweet!

Haha!  So this is my hand after playing tennis with my girls...I think it is time for a new racquet....my handle is disintegrating.  I have had this racquet for a long time :)  Used it to play tennis in junior high...haha!

Karly has artwork on display at the Jackson Crossing Mall.  It is down by Sears if you want to stop by and see it.  She decided to create a TACO RAINBOW...(two of her very favorite things together).

Sunday, April 23, 2017


Part of my reading this morning.... I am in awe of this love.... 

God has taken upon Himself the task to woo us into a love relationship with Him, win our hearts and make us His forever. He doesn't only receive those who come to Him, He even is actively reaching out for them. One of the beautiful truths of the Bible is that it's always been God reaching out to man, not man reaching out to God. Our reaching back is just a response to His pursuit. Following Jesus is actually nothing else than being drawn by Him.
3 … I have loved you with an everlasting love, therefore I have drawn you with lovingkindness. (Jer 31:3)
32 And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to Myself. (John 12:32)
16 You did not choose Me but I chose you … (John 15:16)
44 No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him … (John 6:44)
19 We love, because He first loved us. (1 John 4:19)

Thursday, April 20, 2017

The girls said they ALWAYS know where the Easter Bunny will hide their baskets/gifts....so the Easter Bunny had to change things up a little this year :)

Fun with cousins at Grandpa and Grandma Foster's house on Easter

This looks like a prayer meeting, but they were actually playing Mafia.

We enjoyed the Case For Christ movie and of course all the cousins had to pose with the Guardians of the Galaxy

Tuesday night was hilarious because Vannah was running and pole vaulting in a track meet, but she also had her National Technical Honor Society induction in the middle of it all, so we had to time everything out to figure out how to get to JC from Western HS and back to Western as quickly as possible....she had to change in the van and try to look all glam for the fancy shindig....that's when your just like "act calm.....okay, GO....GO....GO!"

Somehow Snickers learned how to get onto the ceiling of our garage and into the bonus room above the garage...she is feeling quite satisfied with her accomplishment.

Danielle is really starting to love science projects...she made a bug robot, now she is making a tornado in these 2 liter bottles,and she wants to do the Pop - Mentos experiment for her news team at school :)  I love that she is excited about this!!!

Working on the tornado while I made dinner

It is pretty cool to watch :)

Wonderful words of truth in this prayer from The Power of a Praying Woman this morning...

Lord, I thank you for suffering and dying on the cross for me, and for rising again to defeat death and hell.  My enemy is defeated because of what You have done.  Thank You that You have given me all authority over him (Luke 10:19).  By the power of Your Holy Spirit I can successfully resist the devil and he must flee from me (James 4:7).  Show me when I am not recognizing the encroachment of the enemy in my life.  Teach me to use that authority You have given me to see him defeated in every area.

Reveal to me any place in my life where I am walking in disobedience.  If I have given the enemy a place in my protective armor through which he can secure a hook, show me so I can rectify it.  Gird me with strong faith in You and in Your Word.  Help me to fast and pray regularly in order to break any stronghold the enemy is trying to erect in my life.

Lord, I know that in the midst of the battle I don't have to be fainthearted.  I don't have to be afraid in the face of the enemy (Deuteronomy 20:3).  Thank you that even though the enemy tries to take me captive to do his will, You have given me the power to escape his snares completely (2 Timothy 2:26).  Thank you that You have delivered me from him (Psalm 18:17) and you are my shield because I live your way (Proverbs 2:7).  Help me to "not be overcome by evil" but instead give me strength to "overcome evil with good" (Romans 12:21).  Hide me in the secret place of Your presence from the plots of evil men (Psalm 31:20).  Thank you that I will never be brought down by the enemy as long as I stand strong in You.

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Karly went on a field trip today to the fairgrounds to see all the farm animals.  She decided to wear her new overalls :)  The Easter Bunny bought all three younger sisters overalls for Easter this year.....anyway, she was in a long line to get to hold a baby chick and was handed one.  She told me a bunch of kids to each side of her were also holding chicks, but when she was handed one, all the other chicks jumped onto her and one even went down her overalls.....

I told her she was a chick magnet and then heard that she repeated her new title later in the day with pride :)

My girls were being silly over the weekend and making up new lyrics to the We Believe song by the Newsboys.  I was laughing at it because they added....we believe in Santa Claus, the tooth fairy, unicorns, leprechauns, the Easter Bunny, EVEN the Green Giant and Little Debbie and they were going on and on with hilariously crazy characters they have seen on TV commercials.  Such silly fun! :P

It can be tough to learn that things you dream about aren't always as they seem and my youngest daughter learned a few tough realities recently as she cornered me with her direct questions.  I was thrilled when we saw The Case For Christ over the weekend that she was the one who really enjoyed it because she is only 9 and I wondered if she would like it.  The morning after the movie she gave me a hug and told me she loved the movie.  I asked her what she liked about it and she said that it showed how Jesus IS REAL and not make believe.  I asked her if she remembered all the tests Lee Strobel tried to use to prove that the resurrection was fake and she could name the places Lee went and what he asked about in his pursuit to prove Christianity false.  I am so glad we saw that and God used that to strengthen Karly's faith....WOW, you just never know how God will use things and the timing of the lessons.  :)

We Believe

Monday, April 17, 2017

Beauty Will Rise - Spring Is Coming

Our tears are important to God....I do not understand how that can be, but He collects them and if we will continue to sow seeds of love even through our grief and disappointments, He promises that we will return singing with joy and carrying the blessings of our faithfulness.  
That is a beautiful promise.

Sunday, April 16, 2017


We had a wonderful celebration of Christ's resurrection today at church, great family time, and enjoyed watching The Case For Christ with some family and friends.  I was honored to sing a song for offertory today so sang, Resurrection by Nicole Sponberg....one of my favorites.  It is so exciting to think about the empty tomb and that the power of the resurrection has been made available to us through Christ....death has NO hold on us....God makes all things NEW, ALIVE and GROWING.  We can think about the sacrifice Christ has made on our behalf to show us LOVE and to offer us REDEMPTION....and that is so amazing!!!!  I love that Jesus didn't just die and arise....I mean, His disciples could have still shared Christ's claims about his promise to rise from the dead and it still would have been by faith that we are saved, but Jesus actually showed himself, physically, to many people and God also allowed for many others to raise from the dead during that time and go into Jerusalem to testify that they had been resurrected.  We don't talk about those people very often at Easter, but it was a HUGE marker in history and GOD wanted to make sure that there was NO MISTAKE that the resurrection was fact.  Praise God for this evidence through the eye witness accounts, the manuscripts, the archaeology, the medical proof....as well as the personal assurance and peace we can find through our faith.

I praise God too that faith is difficult, that loving people is hard and takes sacrifice.  I praise God for the opportunities for my faith to be made sight by those who may be able to see Christ in me.  I want God to say, "Well done, GOOD AND FAITHFUL SERVANT" as I walk into eternity, but I also want those who know me to see Christ in me now by how I love people, how I handle my trials....by my faithfulness.  I think that takes my understanding that I need Him so desperately....I need His resurrection hope in my life, I need His resurrection love, I need His resurrection power!


Saturday, April 15, 2017

One of my most treasured moments of the last days of Christ occurred in the Garden of Gethsemane.  I think it is one of the best accounts to show us how Jesus was not only God, but also fully man.  The burden He bore and the fervent prayer He prayed when all his closest friends were asleep always helps me to feel his grief and lonliness....His plea for another way through this.  However, there is a difference from being set aside and set apart.  In our times of struggle, grief, carrying heavy burdens, we often feel abandoned, lonely, hurt, rejected....among other things and we ask God for another way, BUT instead of seeing/feeling as though we are set aside, we can pray and ask God to give us the understanding that we are being set apart and surrender to God's way through this.  This viewpoint will give our heartaches meaning because God sets us apart when He has work for us to do.  And, it truly is amazing to be chosen by God (even to suffer)....especially when you know that you are standing for something holy and righteous.

And, He will never leave us or forsake us.

Thursday, April 13, 2017

You know it is spring when you get stuck behind three different types of farm equipment on the way to work :P  But, here's something positive....I received three deposits from students today who are committing to come to SAU.  Our office does a weird thing where you get to blow a train whistle when you receive a deposit...haha....that probably sounds ridiculous to other people.  Anyway, I don't receive many deposits because my populations of students are international students (not many actually matriculate), dual enrollees (they don't pay deposits) and readmits (since they have been to SAU before it is hard to convince them the deposit is necessary again :)  Anyway....it was fun to get a chance to blow the train whistle three times today....its the little things!

Maybe # of farm equipment I see on the way to work = amount of deposits I receive....hmmmmmm.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

AMEN!  So be it!
Still no internet service at home....it is weird to realize how much I am accustomed to using that for things :)

I had a fun morning yesterday taking Karly and Danielle to school early for breakfast and a book signing with author, Ryan T. Higgins.  Karly and Danielle are geeked about books right now thanks for their 3rd grade teacher, Mr. Sharp!

And, I spent a chilly evening at the WHS track meet where Vannah ran the 400, 200 and pole vaulted...

I bought a new coat on clearance last week and I didn't think I would actually use it this year because I purposefully picked a really heavy coat that I would wear to cold football games or when I have to give tours on campus when there is a blizzard.  I knew I would be cold at the track meet, so I decided to wear it yesterday...put it on and could barely move in it the arms were so stiff.....it was hard to actually drive to the track meet because turning my steering wheel was difficult and I was totally sweating when I arrived....haha.  I was laughing at discovering WHY the coat was probably on clearance.....HOWEVER, it was incredibly warm while I was at the track meet (even though it was hard to bend my torso to sit down), so I am still not going to succumb to buyer's remorse!

Happy almost Thursday....which is really Friday this week....right?

Monday, April 10, 2017

My internet has been out ever since the day it snowed last week, so I cannot blog from home.  I figure God must be wanting me to use that time for prayer because I am in a very challenging time in my life.  Someone recently shared part of a really good devotional with me regarding how to overcome evil with good and I checked it out today so that I could read the whole thing.  I laughed when I saw it was dated Palm Sunday (of 2005)....so I wanted to share that here today.  I know it is relevant to me right now and it really is good teaching!!!

Christ Overcame Evil with Good—Do the Same

Palm Sunday

"If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; for by so doing you will heap burning coals on his head." Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
Both the fact that this is Palm Sunday and the beginning of Holy Week, and the fact that  Romans 12 is based on Romans 1-11, incline me to title this message not just “Overcome Evil With Good” as verse 21 says, but “Christ Overcame Evil With Good—Do the Same.” In other words, I want to stress that what Jesus Christ did in the last days of his life on earth (Holy Week), and the way Paul describes it in Romans 1-11 are the foundation and the model for how we overcome evil with good.

“We Are the Disciples of Him, Who Died for His Enemies”

One way to put it is this (I take it from a great commentary on Proverbs by Charles Bridges, p. 478): “We are the disciples of him, who died for his enemies.” Are you a Christian? Then you are the follower of one who died for his enemies. Are you not a Christian? Then you are being pursued by one who died for his enemies—Jesus Christ. In fact, your presence here is part of his design to overcome the enmity between you and him, and bring you to himself.
Paul’s call to us Christians to love our enemies (in Romans 12:20) and to overcome evil with good (in Romans 12:21) is based on what Christ did for us. Christ loved his enemies, and (in that way) he overcame evil with good. Not one of us would be a Christian if Christ had not loved his enemies and overcome our evil—our insubordination and willfulness and self-centeredness—with his great good—his death and resurrection.
Romans 5:10 makes this crystal clear: “If while we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, now that we are reconciled, shall we be saved by his life.” Once there was enmity between us and God. It came from both sides, ours and his. Our hearts were willful and rebellious and insubordinate (Romans 8:75:68), and his wrath was on us because of our rebellion (Romans 1:18John 3:36Ephesians 2:3). He was justifiably angry with us, and we deserved his eternal punishment.
But then there was that trip to Jerusalem. That plan of God. That face set like flint to go to the inevitable, God-designed, horrible, glorious events of Holy Week. Three times Jesus predicted it and explained to his disciples why he was going to Jerusalem—indeed why he had come to earth. The third time was in Matthew 20 just before the triumphal entry in Matthew 21. Here’s what he said to his disciples: “See, we are going up to Jerusalem. And the Son of Man will be delivered over to the chief priests and scribes, and they will condemn him to death and deliver him over to the Gentiles to be mocked and flogged and crucified, and he will be raised on the third day” (Matthew 20:18-19).

Only Christ Can Provide an Infinite Ransom for My Infinite Sin

But why? What was the point of it all? Jesus answers this question a few verses later just before the triumphal entry into Holy Week. He said in Matthew 20:28, “The Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” The meaning of his death—the meaning of Holy Week—was ransom. This was no ordinary death. This death of the Son of Man and the Son of God was ransom!—a payment made to set people free from the deadly power of sin. Christ overcame the evil of our sin with the good of his own death and resurrection. “While we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son.” Reconciled by the payment of a ransom.
My debt to God was infinite. I had sinned against the infinitely holy and just and good God. For me to repay the debt of this offense would take an eternity in hell. Psalm 49:7-8 says, “Truly no man can ransom another, or give to God the price of his life, for the ransom of their life is costly and can never suffice.” You can’t ransom yourself from sin, and no man can ransom you. This is the mistake of all the religions of the world. All of them try to find ways for man to ransom himself. God says it cannot be done. “Truly no man can ransom another, or give to God the price of his life.”
But then in verse 15 that Psalm says, “But God will ransom my soul from the power of Sheol, for he will receive me.” Mere man could never pay an infinite ransom. But God can. And now we know how God did it. He did it during Holy Week. He did it by sending his Son, who was man—yes, to be sure, a man—but Oh so much more than a mere man. He was the God-man. In him all the fullness of deity dwelled bodily (Colossians 2:9). He was the God-Man. And therefore he could, and he did, pay the ransom for all the sins of all the people who would receive him and his forgiveness.

Christ Overcomes Our Evil With His Good in Two Ways

And when Christ died as the ransom for all who believe, he broke the chains of sin and death that held them captive. He overcame evil with good. He overcame the evil of sin and rebellion and insubordination with the good of his death and resurrection. He didn’t overcome evil with persuasive words. He didn’t talk people out of sinning. He didn’t persuade people to change. This was not first a moral transformation. First, it was a legal justification. Because Christ paid what needed to be paid, the verdict came down from the Judge of the universe: Righteous! All debts paid. This was a legal transaction between God and the Son of God which we enjoy by faith.
And then, and only then, when we are declared righteous because of Christ, does the moral transformation begin. So Christ overcomes our evil with his good in two ways, and they happen in order and are not the same. First, he overcame our evil by doing for us what we could never do for ourselves—he satisfied the demands of God on our behalf. He paid our ransom. The perfect divine-human life has been lived and sacrificed. Because of that we are now righteous in God’s eyes. The debt is paid. The title to heaven is clear. And now—and only now—our moral transformation begins. This too is Christ’s work. By his Spirit he comes and on the basis of his blood he begins to liberate us from the evil of our own bad behaviors and attitudes.
That is the foundation of Romans 12:20-21. It’s all rooted in what happened in Holy Week—the climax and the killing of the perfect life as a ransom for his enemies. “We are the disciples of him who died for his enemies.” So now God says to his Son’s disciples, “’If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; for by so doing you will heap burning coals on his head.’ (That’s a quote from Proverbs 25:22.) Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.”
So now we know that this is not a mere call from God to imitate Christ. It is a call to trust Christ for our own salvation, and then, in the hope and strength and joy and assurance of that salvation show it to others by the way we live. Point them to Jesus as the only possible ransom for their sins—the only one who can pay their debt and overcome their evil with the good of his own death and resurrection.

“Do Not Be Overcome by Evil, But Overcome Evil With Good”

So what does Paul mean when he says, “Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good”? In the context, coming right after saying be good to your enemy, I think he means “Don’t let your enemy’s hostility produce hostility in you. But let your love triumph over his hostility.” Don’t be overcome by evil means. Don’t be overcome by his evil. Don’t let another person’s evil make you evil. Oh, how crucial that is.
When you let your adversary make you evil he is the victor. If you let a person’s sin govern your emotions so that your sinful anger or your misery or your depression is owing to their evil, then you are being overcome by evil. And Paul says, You don’t have to be overcome that way. Paul is addressing here the whole victim mentality of our day—people who feel or do evil things and then blame it on someone else’s evil. They let themselves be overcome by someone else’s evil so that they now do evil also. And then they blame the other person.
But Paul says, Don’t be overcome by evil. Don’t let another person’s evil provoke you to evil thoughts or evil attitudes or evil deeds. Don’t give them that kind of power. You don’t have to. Christ is your king. Christ is your leader, your champion, your treasure. Christ governs your life, not those who do evil. When someone does evil to you, you should say, “You are not my Lord. I will not be controlled by you. I will not have my attitudes and thoughts and actions dictated by your evil. Christ is my Lord. Christ dictates my attitudes and thoughts and actions.
Oh how different this is than the way most people react. We let our emotions and our thoughts and our actions be reflexes to what people say and do to us. And the corollary is that we can then blame them for our evil—our anger, our bitterness, our discouragement, our depression, our vengeance. But Paul says, No. When Christians encounter evil, they don’t merely respond to evil, they respond to Christ who deals with the evil. He died for it, or he will punish it in hell. Christ is the dominant reality in our lives, not other people’s evil. Therefore, do not be overcome by evil. Do not be governed by it. Do not let your enemy’s hostility make you hostile.
Rather overcome evil with good. Which, in the context means “let your love triumph over your enemy’s hostility.” But what does that mean? Does it mean that, if you give him water when he is thirsty and food when he is hungry, he will always repent and become your friend? No. We know Paul doesn’t think that. Jesus’s enemies do not all respond positively to his love for them. One thief on the cross repented and the other cursed. Peter repented. Judas hanged himself. The centurion said, “This was the Son of God.” The Pharisees said good riddance. The love of Christ does not produce repentance in everyone. And your love won’t either.
Paul says in verse 18, “If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all.” In other words, you will do everything you should, and still some will not make peace.

“Overcome Evil With Good”

So what does “overcome evil with good” mean? It means either you triumph through the repentance of your enemy or you triumph through the judgment of your enemy. In other words, if you will love your enemy, and bless those who curse you (v. 14), and not return evil for evil (v. 17), and not avenge yourselves (v. 19), you will be the overcomer, the conqueror, the victor no matter how your enemy responds.
We saw this in verse 19 (“Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, ‘Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord’”), and we see it again in verse 20 in the words, “coals of fire.” “If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; for by so doing you will heap burning coals on his head.”

“You Will Heap Burning Coals on His Head”

What does this mean, “you will heap burning coals on his head”? There is no evidence that I am aware of that would suggest burning coals heaped on the head is a symbol of blessing or repentance (which is the way most people take it). I have heard people talk about a custom in Bible times of going to your neighbor when your fire goes out and borrowing glowing coals and carrying them in a basket on your head back to start your fire. I can find no evidence of such a practice in Bible times at all. It seems to me that someone probably made that up to solve this problem. Nor is there any use of the phrase to refer to remorse or repentance.
On the contrary, every use of terms like “coals of fire” in the Old Testament and outside the Old Testament is a symbol of divine anger or punishment or evil passion. The only reason that so many interpreters give it the meaning of repentance or remorse is because they believe it fits the context better. So the question is—and you can answer it as well as a scholar can—is that true?
Verse 14 is clear. Yes, our aim in loving our enemy is to bless him not curse him. “Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse them.” Our first and most urgent longing for our enemies is that they be blessed—that they repent and that they trust Christ and that his ransom pay all their debts and give them salvation. Yes, that is the goal. It’s the goal of this whole chapter. Live so as to lead people into an enjoyment of the mercy of God.
But that’s not the whole picture. Because we saw in verse 19, “Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, ‘Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.’” This means that when you love your enemy and they don’t repent and receive the blessing of your love, evil does not triumph. God’s justice triumphs. “I will repay says the Lord.” You don’t need to be the judge. God will. You don’t need to win on earth. God will win for you in the last day.
So when we get to verse 20 and we hear that loving our enemies will bring “burning coals on their head,” there are two realities in this context, not just one. One is mercy and blessing if they repent. And the other is justice and wrath if they don’t. I am saying that “you will heap burning coals on his head” refers more naturally to the justice reality, not the mercy reality.
Here is a passage that helps us see the way love works with judgment, Romans 2:4-5. Watch the effect of God’s love for his enemies when it is rejected. The result is very much like coals of fire.
Or do you presume on the riches of his kindness and forbearance and patience, not knowing that God’s kindness is meant to lead you to repentance? 5 But because of your hard and impenitent heart you are storing up wrath for yourself on the day of wrath when God’s righteous judgment will be revealed.
This is the way God’s love works for his enemies, and it is the way our love works for our enemies. Our desire is that they would repent and come to a knowledge of the truth. But if they don’t, the very love that we are showing increases the weight of wrath on their head. The more of God’s mercy that people reject, the more wrath they heap up upon themselves.
And so it is with you and the enemies you love: the more mercy they reject, the more coals of fire will be heaped on their head. This not our desire or our aim. Our aim is in verse 14: Bless and do not curse. Pray for your enemies. Be like Paul in Romans 10:1, “My heart's desire and prayer to God for them is that they may be saved.”
For this we are willing to lay down our lives—that our enemies will be saved. Thousands of missionaries have done it. But what verse 20 is saying is this: If it looks like your love has failed, and instead of converting your enemy, your enemy kills you, be assured, you have overcome evil. It has not overcome you. God will have the last word. Not your enemy. You will be vindicated in the resurrection of the just. For this Christ died and rose again. For this there was Holy Week, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and especially Easter Sunday.
Be strong, Christians. Don’t be overcome by evil. Overcome evil with good.