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Thursday, June 30, 2016

We had our last small group study on Wednesday for the series we have been going through, Desiring God.  I have to say it has probably been one of my favorite studies ever.  The content was incredibly deep and meaningful to me, but the others in our group made is such a blessed time as well by being so engaged and speaking from their hearts.  To me, it embodied what God means for us to live in fellowship with one another....the giving and taking of advice and encouragement.

I have always had a hard time being a person who opens up about struggles....maybe it is because I don't trust people enough, maybe it is that little voice in my head that says that pastor's wives aren't supposed to have weaknesses, maybe it is that I worry that what I think and say won't connect with others because sometimes I feel so out in left field with the way I perceive things....or all of that....but, I think I am noticing that the devil enjoys messing with me in these areas because then I isolate myself from others.

We are not called to be isolated.  We are also not called to be self-conscious, but to put others before ourselves as we seek to glorify God. I had a moment this week when I told a friend that I was a little down and explained the situation to her and just her saying she would pray for me and offering me some humor to help me see the situation from a different angle was so encouraging.  I think the reason God uses us to accomplish His will is so that we all can experience His glory in those moments.....He could do everything Himself, but He allows us the opportunity to be His hands, His feet and sometimes, His smile on others.

Hands Of God

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