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Sunday, June 19, 2016

"A Father's A Treasure..." - Benjamin Frankin

This is one amazing daddy!  He loved his cards from the girls and his favorite part of our adventure today was watching an eagle soar above us...only about 30 feet away from us.

We took this road up the side of a high hill which made me cringe because we circled the outside edge of the hill and could look straight down into Hebgen Lake...on the way up the hill Brad was on the cliff side, so on the way down I would have been on the cliff side, so I decided to sit behind Brad on the hill side of the road and lean toward the hill....told him I was behind him 100%....haha!  Those kind of one lane roads up steep inclines are so intense :P  

This man can get really close to edges....I don't even feel comfortable using the zoom on my camera to get closer, apparently...ha!

The view was amazing though!  We think Forrest would have chosen a location with a really incredible view of the valley that he loved so much because he actually said he was planning to die by his treasure.  And....part of his riddle says "hear me all and listen good"....besides the lookout tower in the picture below, there was a radio tower at the top of this butte....so we thought it would be worth a trip up.

This may seem random, but it was funny to us because Savannah said if we found the treasure we should buy a car just like this for her and drive it home :P  We laughed when we pulled into the hotel lot and it was parked close to our room.

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