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Friday, June 3, 2016

Paint The Town

Danielle and daddy got to take a field trip to Chicago today :)  

On top of the world!

Of course a stop in Chicago includes a trip to the American Girl Doll Shop.....that is like a close second to Giordano's or Garretts, right?  It sounds like they had a great time!

With daddy on the Architectural Boat Tour

The other four girls and I went to a painting party at our church in Jackson, MI.

It was kind-of like Painting With A Twist if you wanted to paint a large sunflower, but I opted to try my own thing......a little wildflower scene.....


Some of my girls tried their own thing too :P  It is so fun to watch what they come up with.

She did a really fun and funky background....and....drum roll....this girl tried out for Cheerleading today and found out during our painting party that she made varsity!  She is pretty happy about that!

I liked how Kassi decided to go ahead and do the sunflower thing, but with non-traditional colors....her's turned out so cool.

I like how the little flower looks like it is in a sunbeam behind the larger flowers.

Kenna doesn't think painting is her forte....but she did a great job on her first masterpiece!

The thing that is amazing to me about fine arts is that you cannot help but express a little of your personality when given the opportunity to be creative....I look at these and smile because I see each of us in our paintings.

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