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Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Wow, this was a gorgeous drive....the terrain totally changed once we passed into Emporia, KS toward Wichita, KS and we saw some huge expanses of open countryside and what is known as the Flint Hills...the picture above is of those hills....very rugged and beautiful....no civilization as far as the eye could see in a lot of places....it is wild to think that there is still this much land uninhabited.

I was SOOOOO happy that we made it to all of our stops today without getting lost...I had a few high schools I wanted to stop at to take information packages even though they weren't the high schools hosting any college fairs....we made it to one in Merriman, KS, one in Overland Park, KS, and one near Olathe, KS.  I had seen there was a GREAT MALL there, so thought we could stop for lunch and shop, but it is currently being demolished.....WHAT?  I KNOW....so much for those plans....we did stop at the Burlington Coat Factory for a few minutes.  A friend from church had told me about the World's Largest Ball of Twine....said I should stop there.  As tempting as it is to see that much twine, I did not make it over there....that was a ways off the beaten path for us.

McKenna is enjoying that NACCAP college fairs offer snacks to all the reps :)  We just got an app we can use to scan the student's info so they do not have to fill out an inquiry card with us anymore.  The students were saying we were one of only a few schools who are using that app, so that made me feel so tech savvy....haha!  I put Kenna in charge of scanning the info for the students and told her I would pay her with dessert :P

She chose Chili's Molten Lava Cake....two spoons :)  We have been sharing a lot of food, but I heard in Oklahoma it is illegal to take a bite of someone else's cheeseburger....yikes.  Early tomorrow we head south to Oklahoma City....we have a fair starting at noon and when that is done we need to get to the airport for our flight back to Chicago...then, Detroit.  If you think of it, please pray for travel mercies and for us to get everywhere we need to go on time with no snags.

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