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Thursday, September 1, 2016

Five of my international students arrived to campus today....I have two from Thailand, one from China, one from Kenya, and one from the Philippines...and we have two new Canadian students and one student from the UK who are athletes....it is so exciting to have them all arrive and get to meet each other.  I was responsible for picking up my student from China at the airport and he was detained in Customs so it took a while to get back to campus.  Standing outside of the exit from Customs is a really great place to people watch, though.  I love seeing all the people with signs for their loved ones and their faces when they see them coming through the doors....there were lots of hugs, tears, smiles, laughter, and kisses....kisses are so different in various cultures :)

What do you think of this airport sign? :P

I was holding a sign for the student I was supposed to be picking up and I had never met him before or seen his picture, so I started thinking, "You know what.....anyone could probably come out of those doors and tell me they are this person and I would be bringing them home in my van, man"  hmmmm....that is a crazy thought.  A couple people made eye contact with me, so I thought they were mine....that's when you take a small step forward, put out your hand to shake their hand and then run it through your hair when they are not the correct person....haha!  Love that awkward feeling!

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