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Saturday, September 24, 2016

Hope Floats!!!

Having a great day at the Parma Day celebration in Parma, MI...our church entered a small float this year and we always offer Rootbeer Floats at our downtown Parma church location.

The Parma Western Football Team

Vanner :)

The Parma Western Marching Band

Village Hope Church friends....with Kenna, Kassi and Danielle

Taking pictures by the float.....funny story.....

So, after that last picture....I said "let's jump on the float and get a quick selfie with all of us in it!"  ONLY, by that time, the float had been disconnected from the vehicle that had been hauling it.  Do you know where I am going with this?  So Kassi and I jumped on it and we were waiting for Kenna and Danielle to get on it with us.  Then we started moving toward the back of the float so we could get our picture in front of the nice VHC logo design.....but, just like a LEVER the float started tipping backwards....haha!  We thought we were going to break the float as it started tipping.....OOOOPPPPS!  So, yes....the selfie happened once we were safely off the float :P

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