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Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Brad and I met with a realtor at a house I found a little north of Jackson.  It is a large, old, farmhouse on six acres.  I think it has good potential for a first flip :P  I feel a little nauseous because we are talking about making an offer.  There was already one offer made on it.  It is like that super excited stomach feeling when the roller coaster stops clicking and you know you are in for it....ARE WE DOING THIS!!!!!?????  It is Wednesday, so the quilting group is at our church and they always make extra food for Brad and Jeremy.  Brad brought me some since I was using my lunch break to look at the house....

Yum....I want to eat it, but feeling too excited to eat :P

I really want to flip a house, but old, abandoned houses make me a little scared...maybe wonderfully terrified.....like I walk slowly into each room and I open closet doors halfway expecting a ghost to fly out at me....our realtor made me go into the house first and laughed at me for how I approached everything so cautiously and backed away from closets as Brad was opening them.  I know he was acting like he was joking, but he was really scared too :)  I can't help it, in my mind I was thinking someone may have passed away in this house, you know?!  There were still belongings in the house like shoes and hats and weird stuff, but no one has been living there in a long time because everything was covered in dust and spider webs.   SO, I walked into this one bedroom and there was actually a SICKLE behind the door....you know, like the GRIM REAPER kind.........AHHHHH!  I just kept telling myself, "This is a farmhouse...this tool is necessary.....at close proximity to a farmer who is sleeping.... in case there is an urgent need in the middle of the night....to bring in the sheaves....right?"

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