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Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Day 1....looking for jobs....



Cowabunga DUDE! :)

I'm not really looking yet....got a lot to finish up and train others on before I am finished at my current job.  It was exciting, though, because I received two leads today from friends....thankful for the leads and the friends.....maybe one of those will work out for me.  In a weird way, I just want to try flipping a house....the more I think about it, the more I want to try it once in my life...maybe I am in a midlife crisis moment....I just think that would be fun to try :)  I was watching a HGTV show with Karly the other day and they were showing the BEFORE pictures of the house.....Karly thought it was just fine the way it was....then she corrected her statement, "Unless they painted it all purple....PURPLE would definitely make it better!"

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