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Friday, September 23, 2016

I think this is sooo fun....the cheerleaders get a new bow whenever they have mastered a new tumbling skill....Kenna got her back walkover so she gets to wear this new bow :)

Danielle and Karly had picture day....they are so cute!

When I left for work I saw this weird thing in our yard so I went to check it out and it was this HUGE mushroom.....the girls were wondering what I was taking a picture of in our yard as I was leaving.  Later, when they got home from school, they thought it would be fun to chop up the mushroom.  However, while they were inspecting the mushroom, Kassi realized there was a spot in our yard that was bubbling up with water and spreading through our yard.  They called Brad and he called me and I was really hoping it was OIL...haha!  BUT, NO....it is water and it looks like a pipe is broken.

Brad and our friend, JT, are digging in and pumping water out to try to find the source of the problem....fun times!

It is funny sometimes the things that lead you to realize there is an issue that needs to be addressed.  I am thankful that the HUGE mushroom led Kassi to discover the pipe issue so we can take care of it.

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