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Saturday, September 17, 2016

"Boom, I Made Some Pancakes...Uh-Huh, I Made Some Pancakes" - McKenna

Still in Homecoming mode, I guess :)  I let McKenna try making some pancakes this morning for the first time....she had to work on the flip, but she got it after a lot of laughter over splattered batter!  Then she did a pancake cheer around the kitchen!

Bringing the CHEER to Homecoming!

Vannah and Kenna got to cheer for Homecoming last night...since Kenna is in Middle School cheer...she got to cheer until halftime... we all went really early to get good seats....Kassi is excited that she will be able to try-out for the Middle School team next year.

Color Guard performing during the Classic Rock Halftime Show...that is Vannah just to the right of our Drum Major

It was a gorgeous night!  It would have been an awesome night for a WIN, but we also learn from our losses, right?!

Love all these girls...they had a rough week preparing for Homecoming because during some practice time one of their stunts faltered and a few girls were injured....it is difficult to bounce back after that kind of disappointment and not get caught up placing blame...but I am proud of them for what they are learning about being a team and working together to be encouraging to each other.

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