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Thursday, September 29, 2016

Sooner Or Later....

You know I will try to add something clever about traveling through Oklahoma :P  HA!  It was SOONER....did you catch it?!  I know you are grinning!

Kenna and I made our final college fair stop yesterday a little north of Oklahoma City in Edmond.  As we were traveling, I was praying it would be easy to find because I was still a little apprehensive about my adventure in LOST two days prior.   When we pulled into Edmond, this is what we saw from the interstate.......:)

I said, "Kenna, what if that is it.....and I was worried about finding it"  and we both cracked up!  Yes, that was totally the place!

Kenna was wanting to try to get a picture of herself holding it up...unfortunately we did not have time to perfect that shot, but I was struck by how this photo was like an answer to my post early this morning before we left Wichita.....the other picture with all the lines along the road had reminded me of crosses and I was thinking how each day I NEED to be led to Christ again and again and again...that is true....that is my own responsibility as a disciple.  Sometimes I want others to do this for me, but making this a priority is up to me..ALONE.  BUT, GOD set up a HUGE landmark in history so that NO ONE has to be lost if they will just acknowledge it as their final destination.  We know people WILL see it....it is just whether they will see it as a stumbling block, a distraction, as complete foolishness.....or hear His call and understand this to be their source of life and salvation and wisdom to walk in the way. 

So, this next part is random, but was funny to me....you know when you go somewhere and you realize you match the wallpaper or colors of paint....haha!  I wore this black and white printed shirt and the students had just been working in black and white prints in their art class so there were black and white art projects all through the lobby of the school.  Loved that!

The travels were definitely an adventure for Kenna and I, but I will have to agree with Dorothy, "There's no place like home" !!!

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