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Saturday, March 19, 2016

Vannah got to go to NYC this week to compete in a band competition with the Western High School's Symphonic and Concert bands....she is having a great time!  I am thrilled for her!

They received their scoring information today and Western High School won the Grand Champion Award....pretty awesome trophies....this is going to be an experience she will NEVER forget :)

They got to go to Medieval Times tonight....she said she would get to wear a crown....so I texted her and said, "How's Medieval Times, Princess Buttercup?"  She texted back...."It's great Queen Oreo".....hmmmmm.... :P....Tomorrow she gets to experience a Broadway Show, Aladdin.

Kenna and I got to go on a date tonight to the Jackson Symphony with Grandpa and Grandma Foster.

We got to watch (and listen to) Uncle Steve play his French Horn and the rest of the symphony with him...Kenna got his autograph for extra credit in her band class :)  We also got to meet one of the candidates for the new JSO director. 

Here's lookin' at you!  Grandma brought the fancy opera glasses :) 
 Makes me think of Pretty Woman.

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