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Wednesday, March 9, 2016

I traveled to Howell, MI tonight to talk to some families about Dual Enrollment.  Out of six families I met with individually, three moms were named Heather....that took me back to 5th grade.  In fifth grade, I was in a classroom with 5 Heathers. :)  I think that must have been the most popular girl baby name for 1976...I am going to check on that :P  By the time I went to college, I was tired of being one of so many, so I tried to break from my first name cold turkey (now that would be an interesting first name)....I tried to get people to start calling me Brianna, my middle name.

Unfortunately, some other people from college knew me as Heather and I wasn't so great at responding to my new first name even though I was telling people that was my name...ha!, so it didn't take.   All the Heathers I met tonight brought that whole memory back to me and had me laughing on the way home.

It was fun to be on the road again...meeting people and talking with them about higher education.

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