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Saturday, March 26, 2016

Our involvement in the Good Friday experience in Jackson was awesome.  Five churches came together and turned the Commonwealth Commerce Center banquet facility into 1st Century Jerusalem and led people through guided tours of scenes similar to the Upper Room, a foot washing experience, the Garden of Gethsemane, an implements of torture room with a Roman Centurion, a room with opportunities to nail sins to the cross and a gospel presentation.

I was able to serve in the foot washing room.  People were encourage to wash the feet of their loved ones and I assisted with towels and bowls of water for each group.  I actually washed a lot of feet too because there were many people who came through by themselves or with other people who did not want to or could not participate for physical reasons.  It was an interesting (humbling) and yet, blessed experience at the same time to be able to serve people in that way.  I had some senior citizens come in who could not serve one another in that way, people from mental health facilities who needed assistance and a lot of single people who were thankful to have someone do that for them.  One single woman was probably my favorite to serve.....she was telling me while I was washing her feet that she had just read the scripture about Jesus doing that for his disciples and she could not believe how He would kneel before them to serve them in this way....she was a little emotional about the experience.  

My girls were so helpful all day.  We had planned that they would be in the city scene as little kids playing games in the street while people came in and they could invite visiting kids to play games with them while they waited for their tour, but after a little while Karly came in to the room I was in and said, "I like to play, but I really want to wash people's feet!" :)  So, after that, the girls took turns rotating from the city to the foot washing room to help assist with that.  They invited people into the room and helped to wash the feet of other children who didn't come with others who wanted to participate....it was pretty sweet. 

Overall, we had 784 people come through the experience.  I pray God used it to bless the lives of many people who visited with us and to make Himself known to them.

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